ChApter 27

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"Mum have you seen my black shoes ?" I shouted down the stairs
"Which ones? You have like five thousand pairs of black shoes" she yelled back
"Doesn't matter I'll find them" I was rushing around gathering up my stuff so it'd be ready to put on after my bubble bath.
I had a long soak in the bath then dried myself off Putting a really big t-shirt on that was like knee length. There was a knock on my bedroom door. "It's safe to come in" I shouted trying to find the other show that I literally had ten minutes ago. In walked Brooklyn wearing a smart t shirt and black skinny jeans.
"I thought you said you'd be ready by now? I walked around the block twice to give you enough time" he sighed flopping onto my bed.
"I still have to dry and style my hair do my are up find my other shoe and get dressed" I said still trying to find my shoe "here do me a favour and plug my straightener in and switch it on medium, please" I said pointing to the dresser
"Um how do I switch it on?" He asked looking at the straighter as if it was from another planet "oh I got it" he said flicking the switch on the straighteners. I found my shoe then decided I didn't like them and found my original pair. Then I sat at my dresser turning my hair dryer in on and drying my hair before brushing through it several times and then picking up my straighteners and lightly curling my hair. Then I started with my make up.
"How do girls manage to do this everyday?"Brooklyn asked watching
"I don't know" I shrugged finishing up my lipstick "I'm going to put my dress on, if I'm not out in ten minutes shout for my mum and tell her to call 999" I said taking my dress into the bathroom to change. It went on surprisingly easily and I walked out in four minutes ten seconds which was a personal best for putting on a tightish dress. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on then made sure I had everything in my bag before steering off to pears the stairs. I stopped at the top and looked down then looked at my shoes. "Yeah I'm not risking it" I muttered to myself taking my shoes off to walk down the stairs. "WE ARE LEAVING NOW GUYS" I yelled
"Don't be back too late Hun" my dad shouted back
"Let's go then, were gonna walk" I said putting my shoes back on. these wedges made me the taller than Brooklyn by a few millimetres. We started walking across the street when I I stood awkwardly on a stone and went over on my ankle falling over, I thought I would of hit the ground but Brooklyn caught me in such a cliche way. For the rest of the walk I held onto his arm to stabilise myself. When we arrived it wasn't very busy so we found some plastic chairs to sit on near the patio. More and more people started to arrive and I still haven't saw anyone I know, in fact I'm not even sure Cassidy knew most of them!

Brooklyn's pov
Hannah got up to greet a girl who was shoving her way through the crowd. I'd never seen her before.
"Hey cass this is Brooklyn, my friend" Hannah said introducing us after they hugged "Brooklyn this is Cassidy" we said hi and we shook hands. Hannah and Cassidy said something then Hannah turned to me "hey Brook I'm going to dance with Cassidy over there, you can stay here or try to find someone you know or explore or something" she said into my ear over the loud music
"I'll stay here, stay safe and don't drink anything" I told her. For the next half hour or so I watched her dance to the beat of the songs, it was like she was a trance, but then I literally turned for a second to see who was tapping my shoulder (turns out it was someone who thought I was someone they knew) and she disappeared from the crowd. I set out to find her but this house was pretty big and full of people. I was pushing my way through a crowd of strangers when I heard that distinctive laugh that belonged to Hannah. I fought my way throughout the crowd following that laugh into a almost empty room with loads of sofas in, it looks like some one took all the sofas in the house and put them in here. Hannah was sat there alone just laughing at the plain ceiling for no apparent reason.
"Hannah? What're you doing in here and what are you laughing at?" I asked sitting beside her, I could smell a strong stench of alcohol "are you drunk?" I asked her. She laughed at me.
"No silly, I'm Hannah!'' She giggled making me laugh a bit
"C'mon let's get outside so you can sober up a bit" I said gently pulling her outside.

After about five minutes Hannah was almost back to herself again and she went off dancing again with a girl who looked exactly like Taylor Swift. When she came back she was even more drunk than before. "Hannah what have you been drinking?" I asked taking her to the kitchen to get some water
"Just some bubble gum juice" she giggled almost tripping over.
"What did I tell you yesterday? Not to take drinks off of anyone, you could have drank something bad for you or something" I lectured
"okay okay chill out mum, geez I thoight I left her at home" she laughed. She somehow find anything and everything funny. I turned to the sink to get some water and when I turned back she was trying to sit on the worktop but kept slipping off and it was quite funny to watch but she would have probably hurt herself badly if I didnt go help her so I went over and picked her up and sat her on the worktop. I turned to get the glass of water and when I turned back she was on the floor again, so I picked her up and sat her back on the worktop and stood infront of her so she couldnt fall off again.
"okay I think its time we found cassidy and said goodbye so I can take you home" I said helping her jump down. We pushed through the crouds until we found cassidy and leah, leah was as sober as me but cassidy was even worse than hannah. "hey leah we're going home, hannah is drunk and shes a biy loopier than usual" I shouted over the music
"dont take hannah back to hers, her mum and dad will go mental, take her to mine or yours" she shouted back. I thnaked her then helped hannah down the front steps and to the pavement.
"Heyyyyyyyyy Brooklyn, am I your best friend?" Hannah asked
"Um your one of them, why?"
"Because I like you" she blurted out. My head was spinning with thoughts. she doesn't mean it, she's drunk. But don't drunk people say what they're thinking? Ergh! I'm just gonna focus on what's going on now and see if she can remember in the morning, i won't mention it unless she does.

By the time wed got to mine hannah had came to her sences a bit and was slightly less drunk. Mum and dad were in bed because it was late, I didnt actually know what time but I was guessing it was around 1am. I managed to quietly creep up the stairs with hannah and her heels, which I learnt it is impossible to walk on hard wood flooring in them silently, and I helped her into her room.
"nooo, I dont want to go to bed" hannah whined
"shhhhh" I shushed putting th light on and finding someclothes for her to change into. "heres some pyjamas fot you to put on okay, im going to bed now so you should too" I said handing her the pyjamas and leaving silently.
As I left my bathroom I found her sleeping with her dress and shoes on in my bed. She looked uncomfortable in that dress so I made a decision to wake her up and help her out. "hannah, hannah, wake up" I said shaking her shoulder lightly to wake her up. She woke up and her make up was all smeared. "comn im going to wash your makeup off" I said taking her to my bathroom and halping her to sit on the counter while I filled th esink with warm water. I gently took a wash cloth and washed her face, that god damnd eye make up was a freaking nightmare to get off! I helped her jump off the counter and guided her to her room. I'd just shut the door when I heard her fall. I went straight back in and saw her laying there on the floor. She sat up and started pulling at her shoe.
"Stupid god darned shoe get off me" she yelled at it. I knelt next to her and pulled her shoes off before handing her pyjamas for the second time tonight and then left her again. I went and laid in my bed. I hear struggling then feet paddling a gross the hall then a light knock on my door. Sighing I got up and opened the door seeing Hannah there looking like she was about to start crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked
"I can't unzip my dress" she cried. Turning her by her shoulders so her back was facing me I lifted up her hair and unzipped the dress.
"There now go to bed" I said going back to my bed.

It feels like I'd just gotten to sleep when I felt someone poking me. Slowly turning to see who it was Hannah just pushed me over ANd climbed into bed beside me, almost instantly falling asleep. I checked my phone and saw it was only 1:15am so it was probably like 12:30 when we got in. I sent a quick text to Hannah's mum saying she was staying at ours and then rolled over and fell asleep.

Hoped you liked it, sorry it took so long to update it's just it took forever to get 25 comments on the last chapter.
There's gonna be more very soon!
I've actually been busy lately too and school finishes next week! 🎉
Should I publish my 5sos fanfic or nah?

25 comments and 30 votes plz

Plz comment some good fanfics, can be anyone.

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