Chapter 8

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I ran over to them, leaving the others to continue their game. Victoria left me and Brad there at the patio doors.
"Sorry I lost track of time, I will be ten minuets fifteen tops" I said rushing off to get changed. Luckily I'd set out my clothes before: just threw them on, brushed my teeth, put on some baby lips and put my hair into the ear warmer. I put my coat on with my phone in the pocket and some money in the other picket. I went back to the patio where I found Brad talking to David.
"Now you hurt my favourite niece and I'll have to do something bad to you" David said sternly
"Yeah if you hurt Hannah I'll hurt you" Cruz said. Brads face was so scared. David started laughing. "Haha no mate I wouldn't do anything that bad, just don't hurt her!" David said making Brad smile a little.
"C'mon, you ready to go?" I said as I reached them. I don't think they know I heard their conversation, it's just as well.
"Sure am, let's go!" He said
"One minute" I told him as I went to say bye to the kids and Brook. "Right be good and go to bed when your told. I'll be back before you go to bed, Brook, but make sure the others behave." I said before hugging them in size order- Harper, Cruz, Romeo and then Brook who didn't seem to let go. I had to squeeze out of his grip. "Bye." I waved walking over to Brad

We reached the skating rink and Brad bought us our skates. I put them on and he helped me over to the Ice. I was okay at skating, just useless at walking to the rink. Brad was the opposite, useless at skating great at walking to the ice.
"C'mon I'll help you skate" I said taking his hand
"Shouldn't this be the other way round?" He asked
"Nope"I popped the p "Okay first push off with one foot aNd then the other, like rollerblading" I said, he retried but failed and fell. After I'd stopped laughing I helped him up. He soon figured it out although he looked like giraffe trying to dance, he could skate to a fashion. We messed around for a while just playing tig on the ice and silly stuff like that. At about eight we went to get some food.
"Where do you want to go?" Brad asked
"KFC!" I said a bit too fast

I was eating my popcorn chicken when Brad suggested something. "Hey there is a fair about five minutes from here wanna go?" He said before slurping his coke
"Erm, yeah sure thing" I said

When we got there it wasn't too busy yet it wasn't too empty either.
"What ride?" I asked
"Ghost train!"Brad cheered
"NO!" I said sternly
"Aww you scared?" He said in a baby voice
"Pft no!..... Yes!"
"Awe c'mon I'll hold your hand" Brad said
"Welllllllllllllll I suppose, but I swear to god if you let go I will go crazy on you!" I said
"Promise" he said sticking his hand out for me to hold.

He handed the man at the desk our tokens and climbed in the front cart.
"Nope not in the front" I said letting go of his hand
"Please?" He pleaded with puppy eyes
"Okay" I said climbing next to him. The man set the train off with only one other couple on and they were at the back. "Brad hold my hand" I whispered scrabbling around in the dark for his hand, when I found it I held it tight. He untwined our fingers as we turned a corner. A man popped out and made me scream, then something brushed over our faces and spooky music began, then axes almost hitting us. Long story short, I was a mess at the end.
"Now can we do something else? What about the dodger cars?" I asked once I'd calmed down
"Sure, as long as I get to see you smile." He said. I stood up off the step I was sat on and grabbed his hand and went to the dodger cars. We paid and chose a pink car, we had a discussion over who would drive before we decided that I'd drive then we would come on again and Brad would have a go at driving. I purposely crashed into everything, Brad however was a steady driver and focused on dodging the other people. Before we left we went on the teddy grabber machine, I had a turn and won a cute ladybird thingy. Brad won a teddy, a golden brown one that was so soft and cuddly. We walked back to the Beckhams hand in hand clutching our own Teddy's. When we got to the door I was given brads teddy and I was told I had to name him 'Hadley'.
"Awe thanks"I said hugging Brad tight. He squeezed me tighter. I heard a big huge bang come from the other side of the door. "What the? Sorry I've got to sort whatever mess is behind the door. I've had a great night, thank you sooooo much!" I said giving him another hug.
"Your welcome" he said kissing my cheek.

I hurried inside to find a picture on the floor smashed and the coat rack, that was there with two coats on and was pure decoration cause they hung their coats in the little cupboard across the hall, on the floor with a football beside them and a guilty looking Brooklyn and David staring at it.
"I'm not going to ask, I think I can guess. Penalty shoot out?" I said. They both sheepishly nodded. "Tut tut tut. I won't tell Victoria, just tidy this up" I said stepping over the glass.
"Thank you, we're already in trouble today" brooklyn and David said In unison
"Well just remember you owe me one then" I said
"Why what happened?" Victoria said coming to the hallway and seeing the mess. "Boys what have I told you?" She said sternly
"Oh sorry that was me" I said, she gave me a look, told us to clean it and then left. David and Brook both ran to me and engulfed me in a huge hug, lifting me off the floor.
"Thank you soo much" David said
"I would of been In so much trouble but she didn't even tell you off" Brook said
"Well it's not going to clean its self is it?" I said. I wasn't cleaning it.

I went and sat with Victoria in the lounge. "I know it wasn't you cause I heard the crash before the door" she said. Shit they're in trouble. 'But I'm going to let it slide cause you took the blame" she said. Whew! "So how'd the date go?" She asked
I explained all the details and she seemed impressed. I went to the kitchen to make toast. David and brooklyn were sat at the table. I joined them with my toast, witch David pinched.
"What's the craic with this boy then?" David asked
"Nothing we just went ice skating, got some food and then went to the fair. I won a teddy and I was given this one" I said holding the other up for them to see.
"Very posh, now about these boots." David said "if Vic asks to get you something cause she's not allowed to get us it politely say no cause if not she will never shut up about it. I will never hear the end of her buying you them boots. But I suppose it was nice of you."
"Why don't you let her go sport shopping with yous?" I asked
"Because we took her once and EVERYTHING we got was bright pink or purple" Brook said emphasising the everything
"The boots she got me were blue tho" I said confused
"Did you already own all the pink ones?"David asked
"Yea" I said
"There you go" Brook said
"But then again, it is nice for her to have someone to go shopping with, instead of her dragging me along all the time" David Said in though "please say yes if she asks again" he said
" sure thing, I'm off to bed now tho" I Said saying good nights to everyone.

I put my animal onesie on and took a picture and tweeted it:
@fearon_hannah: @thevampstris you jealous bro? Pic/twitter.(27?::82&)8/);&/:01:&91£:jbirn
I got a reply
@thevampstris: @Fearon_hannah yeah I'm jealous, why didn't you get me one?
@fearon_hannah: @thevampstris sorry bro, I'll get you one next time!

I out my phone on charge and went to sleep.

"Psssssssssssssst Hannah, Hannah! Wake up" someone whispered thought the dark. I rolled over and saw a figure on the doorway.
"What?"I mumbled
"I can't sleep, I had a night mare" the voice said.
"Cruz? Is that you?"
"Yes,I'm Cruz"
"Come get in here then" I said pulling the covers back for him. He crawled in and curled into a ball in the covers and fell asleep.

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