Chapter 22

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Hannah's pov

I woke up in my room/harpers room feeling fresh as a daisy. I don't remember much of last night except I had entonox (gas and air) and then being told I'd have to wear a brace on my wrist. I looked at my wrist and sure enough there was a brace on it and it hurt to move it even slightly. Leah and Harper weren't in bed so it must be late on in the morning. I reached over to the nightstand where my phone was plugged in and checked the time, it's was dinner time! I tried to sit up without moving my arm but it just wasn't working out how I hoped but lucky for me Brooklyn came in to check on me a few moments later.
"Are you okay?" He asked
"I'm fine, I feel like I could run a marathon if I'm being honest but I can't sit up with out moving my arm and it hurts to move my arm" I complained
"Here'' he said offering me his hand to pull me up a bit. It worked! "You need to take this and everyone went to the beach as it's the last day and they didn't want to wait in the house so I offered to stay with you, I hope you don't mind" he said offering me a tablet and some water
"It's fine with me but are you sure you want to spend the day inside?" I asked
"I'll be fine, now what do you want to do all day?" He asked. I shrugged because I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do. "How about we watch a movie?" He asked
"You have movies here?" I was confused, why would they bring movies on holiday with them
"Um, yeah you have a point there" he said thinking
"We should go out and find the others at the beach and enjoy our last day here" I encouraged
"You really shouldn't move your arm too much tho" he said over concerned
"Well I'll just sit with the adults and tan or read a magazine then, Mr over concerned" I teased
"Okay fine" he said "you have ten minutes to get ready then" he said smirking as if I couldn't get ready in ten minutes
"Your on Beckham" I smirked evilly before pushing him out the room and frantically running around trying to find some of my clothes in this messy room. It was hard only using one arm as the other was tucked up like it was in an invisible sling but I managed to gather some shorts and and a shirt that were clean and struggled immensely trying to put the shirt on as I refused to move my arm too much but I managed to put them on just before Brooklyn knocked on the door impatiently.
"Can I come in?" He asked
"Yeah I'm decent" I yelled. He walked in and saw the even bigger mess in the room and looked like he wanted to walk straight back out again. "Just give me like ten more minutes to do my hair and makeup and we can go" I said trying to gather my stuff up a little.
"Can I do it for you?" He asked randomly
"Do what?" I asked not too sure what he wanted to do for me
"Your hair and makeup!" He said like it was obvious. It took me several minutes of debating and him pleading before I caved in and agreed.

We gathered my makeup and hair tools and I laid them out on the kitchen counter so he could see each one clearly. I sat on the spinning breakfast stool. He analysed the products before tuning to me and asking for help with what to start with. I suggested hair so then it wouldn't be in my face when he was applying my makeup so he attempted a regular braid to the side slightly but he kept getting mad cause it would fall out as he wasn't pulling it tight enough. He gave up and pulled it all up into a ponytail that was also failing.
"Your not too good at this are you?" I asked unsure
"Well I'm a boy and I don't have to do this everyday" he retaliated
"Here just leave the hair, I'll teach you how to put makeup on" I said taking the brush out if his hand. He followed my instructions all the way through my makeup routine until it came to the lips and then he started doing what he wanted picking random colours. "Brooklyn put that down, there's no way I'm leaving the house with it on so just put a sensible colour on" I said taking a purple lipstick out of his hands
"Why do you even have it if you never wear it then?" He said picking up a nice shade of pink
"I bought it for Halloween last year when I went to this party" I said pouting so he could apply it.

"Finished" Brooklyn stated putting the hair brush down two hours after starting.
"You do know it takes me like ten minutes to do this and it took you two hours?" I said
"Whatever, just have a look in the mirror in the bathroom" he said
If i was honest it looked quite good so I thanked him then wiped it off and rearranged my hair.

We didn't go to the beacH we just played football in the back-garden for a hour or so until our family's got back.

Sorry it took so long to update
But anyways what do you think of how it's going so far? What do you think should happen?

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