Chapter 4

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"When we get in, quietly, go say hi to Leah then go to bed and ill come up to make sure your in bed" I said while the cab was turning down our street.

I paid the driver giving him a generous tip before tiptoeing into the house with the boys.

"Hey how was she?" I asked hugging Leah

"Fine she went straight to sleep, she was shattered" Leah answered

"Well then little monsters come to say hi then bye cause you've got school tomorrow and its 9:25pm now" I said

"I'm Cruz" Cruz said shaking Leah's hand

"Romeo" Romeo said shaking her hand

"I'm Brooklyn" Brook said also shaking her hand

"I'm Leah" she said

"No shit Sherlock" I said plopping down on the sofa "sorry bout the language" I said looking at Cruz.

"It's okay the camera man today said worse" he said

"Well c'mon then off to bed, I'm sure it's past bedtime. I will be up in 10" I said chasing them up the stairs

"Thanks for looking after Harper" I said hugging Leah again

"It was no problem, if you ever need help just call" she said

"Alright bye" I said waving her off before locking the door and running off up the stairs.

Harper was sound asleep so I tucked her in and wen to Cruzs room.

He was running around his room with no shirt on.

"Pjs young man and teeth brushed please" I said sitting on his bed

"Okay but only if you tuck me in" he bargained

"Okay I suppose I could manage that" I said

"Good night Cruz" I said pulling the covers over him and then kissing his forehead

"You could call me Cruzie, Mckenzie used to and I would get mad cause I didn't like her but I like you so you can call me that" he said

"Well goodnight Cruzie" I said shutting his door.

Romeo was brushing his teeth when I went in.

"C'mon Mr. bed." I said

"Okay 1 minute I'm just going to text mam" he said getting I to bed and texting his mam goodnight.

I sat on the edge of his bed. "you are so sweet and thoughtful. I can't believe your only 11!" I said

"Well I learnt off Brook and dad" he said

"Goodnight" I said tucking him in too

"Mckenzie used to call me Ro and is get mad because I don't like her but you can call me that cause I like you" he said making me laugh "what's funny?" he asked

"That's exactly what Cruz said" I said walking to the door "night Ro" I said blowing him a kiss and shutting the door

Brooklyn was watching tv in bed when I went in.

"You going to bed?" I asked

"Nah I'm gonna watch telly for a bit. wanna join me?" he said

"Okay" I said sitting on the bottom of his bed. he put the Big Bang Theory on. I couldn't stop laughing!

"Shhhh you will wake the other two" he said gently kicking me with his foot

"Who is in charge here?" I asked jokingly

"Well I'm not sure to be honest" he said laughing

"Well I'm off to bed I'm shattered and you have got to go to school, you should sleep" I said after seeing the time was 11pm

"Alright can you tuck me in?" he asked

"You serious?"

"Well you tucked the others in" he said

"Fine but you are not sleeping in jeans" I said

"I want planning on it" he said going in his wardrobe and coming out in a pair of cotton pyjama pants "is this better?" he asked

"Do not push it. bed before I change my mind about tucking a 14 year old in" I said

"Fine" he said getting into bed. I pulled the covers up and tucked him in.

"Awe brookie is a little sausage roll" I said in that voice you use on babies

"Night Hannah" Brook said

"Night Brook I said getting up and walking over to the door.

"Wait! no hug?" he said

"You are kidding? right?" I said

"Well Cruz got a kiss, Romeo had a kiss blew to him so the least I could get is a hug" he said pulling his arm out the covers

"Fine then" I said going over and bending down to hug him "happy now?" I asked

"No now I need tucked back in" he said like a four year old. I tucked him back in. "goodnight Brooklyn" I said kissing his forehead and walking out.

I legit fell down into my bed. I had put my one direction onesie on, it was a bit small but it was comfy. I checked my phone and I had loads of twitter follows.

From brad, tris, Connor, James and George and then a bunch of fans.

I had some DM's too:

From George: heyyy here's that picture of us all for you. xoxox had fun meetin you's xoxxxxo

From Brad: hey here's my number text me :) 000 0000 0000 xoxoxo xoxox

From Tristan: all Brad has been goin on about is you :( now there is no more tradley it's going to be Hadley :( but I'm really happy for him :) xx

From James: if Brad doesn't shut up about you I will shoot him :) it's getting annoying please text him so he will shut up :) xx

I replied:

George: I had fun meeting you too 😊😊 maybe we could catch up again or something 😊😊😊 xxxx

Tristan: really? Awe you will always be tradley! xxx

James: Tristan already told me :😋 lol but what's he been saying? x

I text Brad:

To: Bradley Simpson

So two little birds have told me you've been talking bout me 😳 what ya been saying like? Xxx

P.S this is Hannah

Then I went to sleep.

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