Chapter 32

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I woke up to a scream, like a teenage girl screaming over her celeb crush scream so I trudged done the stairs, to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes to find Abby screaming.

"You better shut up before I take one of those knives and use it in a way I'd be jailed for life" I said pointing to our knife block in the counter.

"Guess who your mum and dad invited to sing the wedding? Go ahead and guess" she babbled

"The queen" I said unimpressed and not even trying

"Are you ready to hear?" Unenthusiastic nod from me "no I don't think you are" another unenthusiastic nod from me "okay okay I'll say... Michael bublè!"

"Wow now shut up and go to bed it's like 5am why're you even awake" I said unamused

"Well I was getting a glass of water and I hear the phones answer machine and it was michaels manager saying he could make it and preform" she said so exited

"You don't even like Michael bublè so what's the big deal?." I said sitting down on the spinny island chair.

"Oh yeah you're right, sorry for waking you up. I'm off to bed" she said instantly calming down and trotting off to bed. Then I hear the mail man, the perks of being awake at silly o clock. Except the mail man doesn't knock. No one other than the mail man is allowed into the neighbour hood without a pass. I got a lil worried and thought about not answering the door but they knocked again and I jumped knocking the fruit bowl flying and making it clash on the floor so they could hear. Oh darn! I grabbed a knife from the block and slowly crept towards the door with the knife behind my back, just incase it wasn't a murder.

I couldn't tell who it was through the Frosted glass on our front door so I had no choice but to open it.

Slowly I unlocked the door, ready with my knife incase they tried to barge in. Nothing. So I cracked the door open a bit but I still couldn't see who it was. I opened the door fully and there stood Brooklyn.

"Do you know I was ready to stab you, right?" I said showing him the knife and letting him in.

"Erm what are you doing up so early ready to stab someone?" He asked. I could literally cut the tension with my knife. I put it in the block and then sat with him at the island. I told him the Abby ordeal and he then understood.

"Why're you here at..." I looked at the clock "6am?" I asked

"I came to see you, actually" he said awkwardly


"About the wedding"

"What about the wedding?" I asked

"You do know the plans for the wedding right?" He asked

"Yeah they're gonna say I do and kiss then cut a cake and then there's a party" I said

"What about the bridesmaids and groomsmen?" He asked nervously

"What about them?"

"Pairs, partners, a person you have to be with allllllllllll day long"

"So who's paired with who then?" I ask

"My mum and dad, romeo and Abby, Cruz and Harper........"

"And me and you" I finished for him

"Yeah and I just wanted to make sue there was no tension between us" he said

There was a awkward silence for a couple minutes before Brooklyn Broke it.

"I miss us, how we used to be. We never used to fight but now we can't go a week without fighting and when we fight we don't talk for days afterwards and it hurts" he said. I was silent, thinking about how horrible it actually is to fight.

"So do I" I said but it came out as a whisper. Silently I shuffled over and wrapped mynahs around Brooklyn's torso burying my head in his shirt. Seconds later I felt his arms around me and his head rested ontop of mine.

We stood there for ages. "What's the plan for toda- oh" Abby said walking in then walked straight back out. We broke apart and then sat at the island.

"So Gordon and his family are coming today, should be fun" I said braking the silence

"Should be" he said not interested

"What's the matter?" I asked seeing he wasn't normal and was distracted by something

"Nothing" I raised my eyebrows "when's the next time well fight and fall out then make up then fight and fall ouT? Because that's all we seem to do" he said

"Um I don't know what to say so I'm going to get dressed" I said awkwardly leaving

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Okay I'm doing a 5sos prefernces book so plz comment some

Also follow my personal Instagram plz @hannah.fearon

Lastly I'm sorry for being a shitty updater

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