Chapter 16

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"Brooklyn, your making my shirt stick to me" I said quietly after fifteen minutes of letting him cry on my shirt
"I'm sorry" he mumbled lifting his head up and wiping his eyes on the bottom of his shirt and he Turned away from me
"Please yell me what's wrong so I can change it and make it right" I pleaded
"Last time we spoke it caused this" he said quietly
"Listen" I said turning him to face me "I don't know what I've done and if I don't know I can't change it okay? But your obviously not going kt tell me so whatever I've done my really Truly sorry and I didn't mean it" I said softly looking into his eyes. I silently stoked and went to walk out the door.
"Wait!" Brooklyn said. I turned back and looked to see what he wanted. "Shut the door" he said. I went out and shut the door and silently went into my room. I was doing that thing where you angrily clean, throwing clothes into the wash basket and all the jewellery onto the desk. I threw my self face-first onto the bed when the door opened, I raised my head to see who it was and once I realised it was Brooklyn I put it back in the pillow.
"I meant shut the door with you on the same side as me" he said sitting next to where I was laying. "Listen I want to tell you but I'm just scared about what would happen if I do" he said shyly. I sat up properly, in front of him so it'd be easier to talk.
"Just say so I can try to fix this mess!" I said getting a bit frustrated but trying not to let it show
"Okay I will!" He said raising his voice "the problem is you! Okay? I was upset over you! Are you happy now?" He snapped in a harsh tone. I was taken aback and didn't know how to react and it was taking everything within me not to burst into tears.

Brooklyn's POV
After I said that I instantly wanted to take it back, but I couldn't. Hannah's face was pure shock and she looked like she was about to cry. "Listen I didn't mean i-" I began
"No don't bother you obviously did or you wouldn't of said it and I was hoping we could have fixed this problem but it's obvious you don't want to civilly cooperate with me so you can fix it by yourself which would be hard considering the problems apparently me. I don't even know what I've done! But I apologised, then you go offending me when I'm trying to help you!" She cut me off. To took a moment to look at me then she shook her head "just get out I can't even look at you right now" she said pointing to the door. I got up and started walking to the door. "You've changed" she muttered directing it to me. That was it, I blew up!
"We'll maybe I wouldn't of changed if you didn't push me away like you have been for the last few day because of something that happened and we mutually agreed to put behind us? Maybe if you didn't completely ignore me and lie to my little brothers? Maybe it's because of something that we both done and you making me feel bad about it? Maybe it's because the girl Ive fell for is dating a guy I can't stand right in front of me and she couldn't care less!?" I said harshly before turning to leave
"Wait! What?" She said making me turn back
"You heard me" I answered
"I'm soo sorry I didn't realise I was pushing you away, well I did for the first day but then I got caught up with-" she began but I cut her off
"-Brad. Now do you get why I was pissed?" I said
"Yeah I suppose" she said quietly
"So where do we go from here?" I asked quietly breaking the silence
"Can we go back to how we were?" She asked
"I'm fine with that" I smiled. I'd got my best friend back "I'm going to bed now" I said opening the door but before I could I was attacked with a hug. I turned and hugged her back, letting her burry her head in my chest.
"I'm soooooo soo sooo sooooo so sorry Brooklyn, I really did t realise I was pushing you away" she said
"It's alright cause now I've got my best friend back" I said looking down at the top of her head. She was so short it was cute!
"I'm glad I got my friend back too and I promise I will never push you away ever again" she said looking up at me and then she did something I didn't expect. She stood on her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek. It was my turn to be shocked!
"W-what was that for?" I stuttered
"I'm just so sorry, you don't understand how bad I feel" she said smiling "you know you put tear stains all over my favourite shirt right?" She laughed
"I'm sorry" I joked along with her. It felt good to have my best friend back again.
"Brooklyn your squishing me" Hannah said trying to wriggle out of my grip and snapping me from my thoughts
"I'm sorry" I Said releasing her "please don't call me Brooklyn tho it really annoys me and makes me think your mad with me" I added
"Okay, Brooklyn" she smirked


So I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday I was too tired.
I found a page in my magazine with brooklyn and Brad on I laughed at how ironic it was and THEY BOTH WERE SHIRTLESS!!!!!!

Would anyone read a Magcon fanfic if I made one? (If you don't know what Magcon is I'm judging you 😉)

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