Chapter 6

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"GET READY FOR FOOTBALL WE ARE GOIN IN FIFTEEN" I hollered up the stairs. "Harper lets go get your coat on, we need to wrap up warm" I said leading her to the coat rack.

"WE ARE GOING NOW GET A SHIMMY ON PLEASE!" I yelled up the stairs. me and Harper have been bundled up for the past five minutes waiting for them. just as the boys were coming down the stairs the doorbell rung. I opened the door and Leah was there. "thank god you have turned up, you might be able to keep me sane! but lets go" I quickly welcomed her. I herded them into the car.

We pulled up and we all bailed out I quickly thanked mike and ran after the boys who were late. oh frick! the boys were going in different directions!
"Leah you take one and ill take the other pick now!" I said
"I choose the smaller two and you can take Harper to Brooklyn's side''
"Alright but text me so I don't get bored!" I said picking Harper up
"Sure will! bye" she said as we went off in different directions.

"So Harper do you like football?" I asked as we sat on the chairs, watching the 13-17year old group warm up.
"No it is messy and muddy!" she said scrunching up her nose.
"Haha so will you wear pretty clothes and have pictures taken?" i asked
"Yes just like mammy" she clapped her hands. brook came running over
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Can you look after my coat I don't need it yet but I probably will by the end" he said passing his coat over
"I'm putting it on tho" I said
"What ever, I've got to go or the coach will get mad. my phone is in the pocket. Harper make sure she cheers for Brook" he rushed
"You have to cheer for brookie" she said
"What's in it for me?" I asked
"A cookie" she said
"Deal" I had just made a deal with a two year old! "Here play on Brooklyn's phone, I'm sure e has a barbie game or something" I said handing her his phone
"Yey He has the mouse game!" She cheered
I pulled Brooks coat on over mine and zipped it up. it was a bit tight cause I had on my coat and two hoodies underneath it.

I went on my phone to text Leah
(H: Hannah l:Leah)
H: hey wuu2? how's the other two doing?
L: I'm bored and they're great! wbu?
H: I'm bored too! Harper is on Brooks phone next to me. she is two and I made a deal with her! I can't believe myself!
L: what was the deal? was it good?
H: If I cheered for Brook shed give me a cookie when we got home so yeah kinda!
L: I'm real hungry right now! Just thought you'd like to know that! and tbh I'd cheer for a cookie too!
H: haha I am! The whistle has went for a break i'll brb
L: same here! ttyl x

Brooklyn came over with some of his friends. he scooped Harper up and sat in her seat with her on his knee
"So guys this is Hannah, Hannah this is the guys" he said
"Wow Brook such a introduction" he friend said sarcastically making me laugh
"Hannah this is Jack, Liam and Ollie" he said pointing to the three boys.
"Hi I'm Hannah" I said putting my hands in Brooks coats pockets. "oohh food" I squealed pulling out some polos and mentos. "I'm sorry" I apologised before beginning to eat the polos
"Hey they are mine!" Brook whined
"Not anymore tho" I said putting another in my mouth
"Give me one" he said opening his mouth for me to put one in.
"I'll throw it, if you can catch it you can have it, if not tough luck" I said before throwing the mint. he caught it with his hand and put I in his mouth. my phone started ringing so I ratched around in my pocket trying to find it. I pulled it out and answered it with out looking who it was.
"Hey hannah"
"Hey brad?" I asked
"You guessed!" he said
"Oh hi"
"So I called to see if you wanted to come ice skating with me tomorrow night" he said shyly
"Erm Can I get back to you on that? its just I don't know if I need to look after Romeo Cruz and Harper or not" I said
"Yeah sure, let me know by dinner tomorrow right?"
"Yeah sure I will"
"Okay bye" he said
"Bye Brad" I said pressing the end call button

I looked up at the four boys who were staring to me.
"Hi?" I said smiling
"Who was that? your boyfriend?" Ollie said teasingly
"Haha no, close tho. Brad from the vamps!" I said
"Oh so was that the asking you on a date call?" He said
"Yeah!" I nodded
"Wit whoo" James and Liam whistled
"So like you look after Brooklyn's siblings?" Liam asked
"Yep sure do"
"Do you look after Brooklyn?" he asked
"I make sure he is still alive, feed him and send him to school" I said
"So not really?" James said
"No not really" I agreed
"Boys back here in five please" a man, assumably the coach called
"Bye Hannah" James Liam and Ollie said jogging off to the water bench
"Thanks for not telling them your my babysitter" Brook said
"No problem"
"We're playing a match so make sure your cheering" he said
"I used to be the best cheerleader ever!" I said sarcastically

Harper and I cheered every time Brooklyn scored, just like I'd promised I would. At the end Me and Harper went to wait by the changing rooms for Brook. He came out with Ollie Jake and Liam.
"Hey babe" Liam flirted. He was obviously the flirt in the group.
"C'mon Brook we gotta go!" I said
"Bur guys, see you later okay?" He said bro fishing them and doing a hand shake
"Bye guys" I said waving.
"Call me eh?" Liam said winking at me.
"She has a date tomorrow you tithead" Ollie said
I just walked off to the car with a sleepy Harper. Brook climbed in next to me and buckled his belt in. "I'm sorry about that, I really am. He's not usually like that I promise" he said
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault" I said helping Cruz into the car
"What's happened?" Leah asked So Brooklyn explained the problem.

We dropped Leah off at her house on the way back before going home. I took Harper straight to bed and wet to whatcha film with Cruz before heading downstairs to hangout with Romeo and Brooklyn. To my surprise Victoria and David and my parents were there talking.
"Hi sweetie, come sit down a minute" my mam said. I sat between her and David.
"So we were on about how we should go on holiday together, we have a villa in Barbados that no one knows about and it has a lot to do." David said
"Yeah sure, I don't really mind but can Leah come, mam?" I asked
"Sure, why not!" She said I thanked her And my dad before dashing off to phone Leah.

"Hey wanna come to Barbados? Like we are going for like a week with the Beckhams and they've got their own private villa and all. And they have agreed to you coming" I rushed
"It's up to my mam, but sure. You and me will have some serious shopping to do tho" she said
"The kids are at school tomorrow so come over, we'll sort it then." I said
"Sure bye." She said hanging up the phone
"What was that bout?" Brook said scaring me.
"Jesus, when did you come in?" I said
"When you were arranging for Leah to come" he said sitting next to me on the sofa.
"Well I don't know if your mam and dad are gonna tell you or not so you didn't hear it from me, we're all going on holiday" I whispered
"I knew that, Jake is coming as well" he said whispering, copying me
"We'll I'm going back to the lounge, you coming?" I said walking out
"Sure race you!" He said running by me. I chased after him and we both barged into the lounge and I ended up tripping and falling, pushing Brooklyn down with me.
"Well that was a entrance!" David said clapping and chuckling. I untangled myself from Brook and sat down
"Could I have a few hours off tomorrow?"I asked nervously
"Sure what time?" Victoria said
"Like from five till nine?" I asked.
"Yeah sure we will be in then anyways, where you going?" David said
"Erm, umm, well I'm going ice skating with a friend" I said
"So who is the boy?" My dad asked
"Dang it! Bradley Simpson" I said being caught out
"Well you know the rules, just be safe princess" he said
"Whoo hoo! You've got a boyfriend!" David cheered
"No it's just a date" I corrected
"You sure bout that? Your face says you like him?" He teased
"Great you can have all of tomorrow off, what are you doing at lunch time?" Victoria asked
"Thank you, and nothing Leah is coming at half ten but she needs to be off at twelve for her shift at costa" i explained
"Great! Do you want to come shopping with me?" She asked, behind her David was doing the no sign
"Sure" I said smiling
"You should of listened to dad, she takes forever" Brooklyn said
"Well that's fine I take a while too!" I said
"It's a girl thing" my dad whispered to Brook
"Whatever, I'm off to bed. Brook I thing you should go to bed too, you have school tomorrow" I said
"Yeah, but this time don't wake me up at 6am" he said
"You would of been late if I didn't" I defended
"Night kids see yous in the morning at seven sharp, fully dressed. There will be food ready for yous" Victoria said

In bed I text Brad. (H: Hannah b:Brad )
H: hey I can come tomorrow :)
B: that's great I'll be there to pick you up at 6pm? Is that okay? :)
H: sure thing :) I'm tired, goodnight :)
B: goodnight :)

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