chapter 29

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"Where exactly are we going?" I asked after a while of walking in comfortable silence. Brooklyn just shrugged and we kept walking, side by side. This part of London was nice and peaceful at this time of night. We ended up stopping at a bench in in a park with a little play ground and a small pond with ducks. I'd never been here before and I don't know how to get back but I think and hope Brooklyn does. We sat in science for a while until I decided to finally put my coat on because it was getting colder. "See, if I didn't bring a coat you'd be freezing to death by now" I tried to joke but Brooklyn looked like he was in his own little world. I tried waking my hand in front of him, calling his name, telling him random thins but he was just zoned out. "Brooklyn" I shouted while clapping my hands in his face, snapping him out of his trance. "What were you thinking of?" I asked softly into the silent night air

"Nothing" he insisted but he seen the look on my face and continued "last night when you were drunk you said something and I don't know if you said it because it was true or because you were drunk or whatever but it just got me thinking" he said

"Well I can't remember what I said, so if you could tell me what I said I'll tell you if it's true or not" I said racking my brain for anything stupid or embarrassing I could have said.

"Ummmmmmmm..........wekrifmfmkalwkdkmdmfkvifotokrkeiakdmicocldemeicecorvmorcorcoekcowxkoakdowkdoekdeijdrjufrujfrujrghgjgjjgjfjdkkslalalkskdjfjfututueieiwooqpql!z,xmxmcnabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" he mumbled

"Yeah? Maybe in English please?"

"I don't want to make things awkward so I think it's best if we just leave it" he said

"But now it bugging me that I said something that I can't remember and you know and it's bugging you but won't tell me so I can fix the problem as best I can" I ranted

"I think it's best for both of us if I don't bring it back up again" he mumbled

"Oh for gods sake Brooklyn. Fine don't tell me I don't even know what I said so it's not bothering me, it's you that it's bothering because you don't know if it's true or not but I can live with not knowing. Anyways it's probably something stupid knowing me" I ranted again. God this boy was really getting in my last nerve.

"Fine with me" he said in a huff and turned away from me.

"Do you know what? I'm leaving to go for a nice quiet walk ALONE with no childish boys named Brooklyn. Come and find me once you've grown up" I said walking away. I don't even know where abouts I am and it's getting pretty late. I remember we walked far from home so I'm probably going to have to call dad to come and retrieve me from a random park. I just kept walking straight ahead tho not even caring anymore. Damn why'd I even agree to go for a walk with Brooklyn, i have my cousin/ best friend who's staying and I never see her and I just ditched her to go for a shitty walk that I regret so badly. By now I was holding back the crying, like c'mon I'm not letting myself cry walking down a unknown street in London alone. I find a bench on a small patch of grass just off the pavement and say down, bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them while resting my head ontop. The tears came falling out along with quiet sobs. I sat there sobbing for a solid twenty minutes before someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Listen I'm not being rude but I'm sure there is another bench for you to sit on" I said not lifting my head

"I'm sorry for being a douche" Brooklyn said quietly "and I know your really super duper mad at me right now but I figured since you walked the opposite direction of home you were lost" I lifted my head up and put my feet on the floor before standing up and slowly moving closer before quickly throwing my arms around him and clinging on for a minute or two. "Let's go home because it's dark and cold and I'm sure your mum would go mad at me if you were to get ill before the wedding" he said quietly. I unwrapped my arms from him and let him lead me home. The long walk was filled with a terrible silence. not a comfortable nice silence, a horrible, tension filled, unbearable silence but I wasn't going to be the first one to break it.

We walked into my house and the first thing I did was go up to my room and put pyjamas on before going downstairs to find Abby and Romeo almost asleep watching high school musical, it was so cute I didn't want to disrupt them. I walked around to find Harper finally awake after we left her asleep on the floor in the hallway, with Cruz in the dining room building a den with placemats. I went in and sat with them at the table.

"Do you guys want to build a real den with some pillows and blankets that you can actually sit in? Instead of one that you can't play in?" I asked

"Can we? Really are you sure we wont get in trouble for messing up a sofa in someone else's house?" Cruz asked excitedly

"It's kinda my house because I live here and I said you could, plus if you get told off I'll get told off so were in this together" I said high dicing him and Harper. We take all the chairs away from the table and push the table to the wall then turn the chairs into a circle with the backs facing in. I dash off upstairs to grab the big fleece throw from the airing cupboard then throw it over the chairs. I watch as cruz and Harper put pillows and other blankets from the sofas around the house into it them sit in. We play games and tell 'spooky' stories and some princess stories before they are both are literally asleep sat up. I pop my head out of the 'den' to see the time on the clock and see it's 11'o clock.

"C'mon guys, I'm sure your mum and dad are ready to go home" I say helping them up and taking them through to where our parents were. Brooklyn was sat in the corner with a face like sour milk. "I think Cruz and Harper are ready for bed and Romeo and Abby are in the other lounge asleep. What should I do?" I said

"Aw bless them is way past their bed time, c'mon Dave let's get them home" Victoria said gathering their stuff and what ever else

"Abby, Abby. ABBY!" I screamed, waking her up "c'mon it's time for bed, it's like midnight or something" I said offering her my hand to help her up

"Carry me" she challenged. I could never turn down a challenge so I scooped her up and struggled my way up the stairs while she say their laughing.

"It's not funny your heavy" I sighed dropping her at the top of the stairs.

"No your just not strong, I mean look where's your muscles?" She said poking my invisible biceps

"I'm not supposed to have muscle, I mean where's hour muscle huh?" I argued

"Oh c'mon we all know I'm wayyyyyyyyy stronger than you" she said

"Okay prove it, worlds strongest 12 year old" I challenged. She took a step back then charged at me nocking me down and starting a toy fight. We'd Rolling around the landing toy fighting for at least five minutes before my mum came out of her room and broke apart the fight telling us to get to bed before she duct taped us there.

"Good night weakling" Abby said

"Good night England's strongest kid" I said back before we went to our own rooms and went to bed.


Ohhhhhhh Hannah and brooklyn drama!

I really want to start a new 5sos fanfic but I don't know what the story should be. I have so many original ideas but I don't know which boy should be the main character ect. Plz help me ---->

Comment so good ideas for a new fanfic I could write plz

35 comments and 40 votes ( my comments don't count) only three comments each account plz

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