Chapter 18

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Hannah's pov (Skip a month)

I was at home packing Barbados, I'd been warned that our flight was setting of in like ten hours with or without me.
I was putting un my toiletries and makeup when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in if your here to help shut this case" I shouted. The door opened and in walked Brad. I hadn't seen him in two weeks cause he'd been touring with Elyar and the wanted around the uk. I got up and ran and hugged him so tight he could hardly breathe.
"I missed you and your crazy banter while I was gone" Brad said kissing me on the lips.
"I missed you and your crazy banter too" I smiled "so how's the other crazy guys?" I asked going back to my suitcase
"They're not as crazy without you, I think they missed you too" he laughed a little
"Well what can you say, I am the life and soul of the party" I joked "can you help me close this case?" I asked batting my eyelashes
"I suppose I could" he said attempting a and failing "right you need to take something out because that case is not gonna close" she stated
"Fine I'll take them pink flip flops and matching bikini then" pulling them from the top and throwing them at the wardrobe door. He easily closed the case. "Thanks" I smiled standing up by he door and then butting my hand luggage bag on top ready to be hauled down to the taxi later.
"Anything for my girlfriend" he said emphasising the word 'girlfriend'. Yes we were dating now.

It was the day Brad left for tour and me Brooklyn and Romeo went to say bye. Romeo and brooklyn were just there for my moral support on the way home cause over the past two weeks I'd become really close with the boys and I knew it'd be hard to say bye to them for half a month. I'd already said bye to Tris James and Connor and they were already on the bus ready to go but Brad hung back. I remember hugging him extra tight and when I let go he kissed me full on the lips and I was so taken back I almost fell. Once he pulled away he asked me to be his girlfriend and I obviously said yes.
I remember the car ride home was awkward cause Brooklyn was in a pap with me for something, I didn't know what and Romeo was kind of the saviour who sat between us and kept some small talk and I remember asking Brook what was up when we got in but he just blew up in my face about confidence and believing in your make no sense at all but he was my rock for those two weeks.

"So I'm leaving for Barbados for a week in the morning and when I get back you'll be on tour for two weeks and when you get back I'll be going to Florida then when I get back you have some thing in Spain then it's my mam and dads wedding" I said
"We're hardly gonna see each other" he said not sounding very disappointed like I was
"Well let's make the best of the time we've got" I suggested
"HANNAH Brooklyn AND Cruz ARE HERE, SHOULD I SEND THEM UP?" My dad shouted up the stairs
"YEAH" I yelled back down. Cruz ran in and tackled me with a hug.
"I'm soooooo exited Hannah! Can I sit next to you on the huge plane?" He asked jumping up and down
"yeah of course you can" I said picking him up and spinning him around until he accidentally nicked over a few of my hockey sticks with his foot. I literally dropped him and went to pick them up putting them back in their order.
"I'm sorry Cruz but I needed to pick my hockey sticks up" I apologised picking Cruz up "c'mon well go get Icecream from the freezer for us"I suggested. I took his hand and led him down the the freezer.

Brooklyn's pov
Well this was awkward, just me and the person I hate the most in the entire world, in a room. Alone.
"So, how's Hannah been while I've been gone?" Brad asked like nothing was awkward. Well I couldn't blame him because he didn't know that I liked Hannah.
"Erm, fine I suppose" I lied. I wasn't gonna tell him she came to me most nights crying because of his fans sending her hate and roomers that he's going out with this other girl.
"That's cool. Your so lucky, you get to see her almost everyday"
"Yeah I suppose I do" I agreed. Thank god for Hannah and Cruz coming in and ending the awkwardness for me.

I spent the next hour watching Hannah and Brad being all cute together with Cruz. It's like I was just a ghost looking at them cause they didn't seem to see me. When it's just me me her she makes me feel like I'm so special and she actually likes me and she's so cuddly and isn't afraid to cry but when that stupid Brad comes into the scene I'm just forgotten about. It hurts, like someone has stabbed me in the heart several times.
I don't see what she sees in him he's just some kid who's band got lucky with a single and was made popular. Wow he can sing and play guitar, so what I can play the guitar! He's not that good looking, to be honest he looks like Harry Styles with plastic surgery.


I love the vamps and Brad but I'm gonna have to be mean about him for the sake of the book.

Should I make a Brooklyn account on Instagram as a little Brooklyn fan community thing?

I'm in/been in a huge bunch of fandoms and some of them are huge and some are hardly known but one think I can say is the Brooklyn one is certainly the nicest!

Where are my readers from? I know I have a few American readers and this really sweet girl from SOUTH FRICKING AFRICA! How cool is that!

P.S you all got my age wrong

Anyways kik me and follow my personal Instagram @hannah_fifi

I'm writing a Taylor Caniff/ Magcon fanfic and I'll publish it in a few days. Would any of yous read it?

(Is anyone's news feed not working cause apparently nothing has happened since the 10th of March when I know you've voted and commented a bunch so I'm sorry if I don't reply it's because I can't see if you've commented )

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