Heartbreak of Reality.

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No amount of words could ever bring you back.
But as day turns into night, I gaze up at the stars.
I like to amuse myself and guess which one is you.
And when I find the brightest star, I send a silent prayer to you.

I could shed thousands of tears till my heart aches.
And though I find myself wallowing over you most days.
The grief that is felt world-wide will sadly never bring you back.
But doves will continue to cry for love, never pain.

Little reminders of you are stored and hidden everywhere.
Like a unopened love letter that lays contently on the counter.
Every sentence leaves us breathless and longing for more.
Because now that you're gone, we need every piece left.

Your music is enough to silence us and keep us sane.
For it is the communicator for your thoughts and wishes.
It brings a beautiful strange caress to our broken hearts.
But a fullness that can never be quite restored within our souls.

Through each day, I whisper gentle words to the harsh reality of your absence. My only hope is that you can hear the melancholic cries that are my poetry. As it is the only closure that makes it hurt a little less within my dwelling self. I miss you.....they miss you....we all do...but we shall stand tall always as the family you brought together.
I get to certain points where I feel like my poetry is lacking, haha. I hope this isn't one of those times. I initially planned to just make this book as a tribute but as I've seen the feedback from the fans and how my words connect to us all.

As a poet, I hope to be the voice that gives your mind some solace or a peaceful ease to the thoughts you can't express or describe..as I completely understand. I'm not saying you aren't talented enough to do it yourselves because I know that sometimes..it's just too hard.

I too find myself lost for words for how to describe the grief we all feel for him but I manage pretty well..I think, haha. But yes, I hope I'm of service to the fans who need that special comfort that hey, we all feel the same way and these words are living proof..as I write these poems with tears in my eyes, haha.

I hope you purple lovelies continue to enjoy this book just as much as I enjoy expressing the love we all have for the beautiful one..💜

Venus De Milo is above ~

Sincerely Yours,

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