Scents of Paisley.

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My heart was a little warmer tonight as my mother surprised me with a princely gift, haha. She bought me a overload of lavender scented candles and incenses, plus a packet of potpourri.

So if you didn't know. Many lucky members of the Purple Army who have had the chance to explore the insides of Paisley Park (including a friend of mine) have said that the whole place is practically smothered with the smell of lavender.

And in the remaining rooms that were left untouched (which means they have left them as Prince had them) there are bowels filled with potpourri, which were described as a strong, earthy and spicy scent. Prince had good taste, of course ! 

I just thought I'd let you guys know so we can all dream with ease at knowing what the man may have smelled like in his castle..and just so you know for future reference, haha.

Shout-out to my mom for making my day and for helping my room capture "the essence of prince" as she liked to call it. lol <3

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