Why Prince Means A lot 2 Me.

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There's a poignant reason as to why Prince means a great deal to me. I discovered him at a time in my life where let's just say..I was inconsolable.

It's cliche but months prior I had fallen in love with my guy friend and when I finally told him..I was rejected. He didn't feel the same way and so I felt like I had gotten kicked in the stomach and couldn't breathe.

Anyway moving on, I bought 'Purple Rain' and that album changed my life. It became my overall healing process. The song itself..it's the literal definition of that period of time for me and it described my relationship with him as well.

For weeks I would listen to that album when I would take a shower and every time I got out and that song came on..it would drown my chest-aching brokenhearted cries.

During that time..I felt truly alone. I'm the type of person who conceals how they feel on a daily basis and I also had too much pride to admit to anybody that I had been rejected in the first place.

So on those nights where I would cry in the bathroom..I felt like I had a friend who was consoling me with the best of their abilities.

Those lyrics were words I needed to hear despite the emotional breakdown I would fall into every time I heard him scream "honey, I know, I know, I know times are changing..it's time we all reach out for something new, that means you too"

That emotive guitar solo was like a release of the frustrating pain..the sounds it produced..it was how I felt..just everything. It took me a long time to able to listen to that song without crying. I avoided it for months on end. I can listen to it now but it still strikes a pretty strong chord in me, haha.

When I look back on that period, I often say that Prince caressed and nurtured my heart/self esteem to full health. With the more albums I listened to..the more I started to believe in love again and the act of falling in love itself.

I'm eternally grateful for that because all the other artists that I listened to at that point were all cynically negative when it came to the subject.

But whenever I listen to Prince, whether I'm listening to the beautiful reassurance that is 'Sweet Baby' or the encouraging tune that is 'Mountains' or even the emotional ballad that I can't help but adore, 'Condition of The Heart'.

I know that Prince will always be my forever faithful friend that buys me musical ice-cream and a reassuring hug of comforting words, haha. I suppose that's why I cling onto him in such moments that are these. But yeah, that's it.

The short version of this story is that a boy broke my heart and a prince rescued me, haha.

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