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Like a silent phoenix, you rose upon the world's unsuspecting shoulder. A delicate caress, a promise of love, the fragile beauty of a soft dove. You sung a sound so new and unheard, a series of styles to be learned. Perfecting the soul's most irresistible urges, you thrusted to artistic freedom.

A display of charisma and infectious beat made it the big screens of home. The white cloud guitar echoed with the intensifying cries of the human heart. Wishing for self-made heaven, a praise of affection with the contentment of faith. Our bodies danced with pure euphoria, a keen ear for whatever you had to create.

Spreading the good word of kindness, your fleeting existence flourished. Like an endless stream of tranquil waters, you wet us with gentle whispers. Our sorrows dissipated with ease as your influential light made us whole. A star of humility, you thanked your creator despite breaking the mould.

You exist in your electric body of work, a free spirit that lives every time we press play. You are the universal instrumental of nature, an everlastingly song that thrives with heartfelt vibrations. An undying inspiration that pushes the gifts of others to strive for peace. We share gratitude for your innovative mind as we have centuries of creation to greet.

Our dear Prince, our angel, we know you are safe and sound.
Today, we beam our utmost love to you and sing it out loud.
We will persist through the journey & hope to make you proud.
I hope to see you the ethereal skies beloved crowd.

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