Paisley Park.

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So today I thought I'd talk about Paisley Park, Prince's home - now museum. I personally adore the place and think they are treating it and handling it quite well, with the exception of a few disrespectful guests.

I love that you can visit the studios, try his favourite foods, have one picture taken wherever you like, see his piano and guitars. And there's no phones allowed !!!

There's loads of new tours and events happening next year. I love seeing people's photos from their trip there, it's all bitter sweet.

Unless a miracle happens, I will not be able to go to Paisley Park until 2020. Why that long...because it's only then that I will be of responsible age and I will have inherited a good sum of money that shall support me in my travelling endeavours to not only Paisley Park and Minnesota but America as a whole.

My patience is tested every time I see Paisley related news, haha. It'll be his four anniversary by then and I can only imagine how much it will have grown and changed for the better.

I can't imagine however..not being emotional. I hear they have tissues as handouts anyway, haha. But it'll just be surreal...all the time that will have passed by then...being in the place where he roamed and made the most beautiful of creations.

Not to mention his remains are actually there with his doves watching over him. It'll be hard..but hopefully I'll have lovely people supporting me so I don't fall to the floor and break down crying.

Anyway, I do have a few things connected to Paisley Park. Back in September, a generous member of the Purple Army was so very kind to tie a laminated paper message from my mother and I to the fence that surrounds the Park.

This was back when it was still okay to do that.

She took a photo as confirmation that it was there and so I could see. It's funny because at the time I received the message from her, I was watching Graffiti Bridge and it was at end during the scene of 'Still Would Stand All Time' and I was crying.

It came at such a perfect moment..I really felt close to his spirit for once and actually felt some sort of closure that he now knew how much I loved him. It was beautiful and it's something I'll forever cherish.

I have heard that the staff has taken most of the stuff from the fence (that survived) and have made a tribute archive wall of sorts inside so people can see the tributes from all around the world. I can only hope mine is there..I'd bawl if I saw it.

Major props to the staff for that.

And just recently, a dear friend of mine from the states was kind enough to buy me something from the official merch store online for Christmas (they don't do international shipping yet). I don't know what she got me, haha.

But I know I'll love it and I look forward to seeing what it is.

Anyhow, I yearn for the day on which I will arrive there. It will be a dream. I was discussing with somebody today about how the inside of Paisley Park is decorated and how everything/room is different. The person felt that it was a bit too much and overwhelming, seeing as there is no one specific theme.

I don't know if I misread what she really meant by that but I had to disagree.

Back in one of the earlier chapters of my fanfic 'Anna Stesia', I wrote about my character Alice visiting Paisley Park for the first time and Prince asked her what she thought of the place and what it meant. The answer that I wrote to his question sums up for me..what I believe Paisley Park to be.

Here is the excerpt from that chapter:

"Well, if I had to be symbolic..I'd say it's a visual extension of the labyrinth maze within your mind..a lot of people might not understand it nor does that matter..but it's your spirit...your thoughts..your's a reflection of you..captured all in one building."

Long live Paisley Park..for it carries the legacy of the one we all love. And for those like myself, who cannot physically witness the beautiful wonder that it is...
stay content...for it is your heart 💜...

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