Ingrid Chavez.

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Ok so this chapter is kinda unrelated to the main theme of the book but I'm just gonna slide it this once for the love of knowledge, haha. So out of all the Prince women there is one, in my opinion..that stands out uniquely from the rest.

She wasn't his lover, she was his friend.

But they had a magical time together in the short fairytale that was their story. Her name is Ingrid Chavez, most known to Prince fans as 'Aura' in the movie 'Graffiti Bridge'. But she isn't just that, she isn't even an actress.

She's actually a poet and with the help of Prince she went on to release an album of her own with his music as a visual background for her poems. And that was recorded during the making 'Lovesexy' (my fav album) on which she was the sole inspiration for as "His Spirit Child".

She's quite talented and yet the most overlooked amongst the women he worked with. I love her album and if you should ever come across the chance to get a vintage copy, I recommend you do so. Her poetry is a ethereal experience. I definitely idolise her.

And with the slight bias that I have, she's the one I find most intriguing as a person as we are quite similar people. When I actually discovered that Prince worked with a poet in the first place, I squealed and was smitten with the idea for days on end, haha.

I'm just fascinated with the time they spent together and I often wish that I could've switched places with her because that would just be a dream for me. Not only artistically but spiritually. I need somebody to give me that push.

Anyway, she's also probably the most quiet in the lot of Prince women as she hasn't given much interviews about him or their time together nor is she consistently active on social media like others.

She's only given two since his death on which she elaborates on everything that happened within that period. Here is those articles, the first is the full interview and the second is just a few selected highlights as it was a extensive interview about her life.

Just a little note, a lot of the moments they shared were inspiration for my own fanfic sequel 'Anna Stesia'. Enjoy !

Ingrid Chavez on Prince Collaborations: 'His World Was Like a Fairy Tale' Rolling Stone Interview, 22 April 2016 by Sarah Grant.

What do you think of when you listen to Lovesexy today?
I think of us just hanging out, playing pool with him and his dad in Paisley Park. Prince loved pool. Lovesexy is like a snapshot of our time together. It was created in 1988 with the poetry record. It was a period of creativity for both of us, and we were inspired by each other. Stepping into his world was like a fairy tale. Being exposed to his creativity and spiritual epiphanies was unreal. When I met Prince, he was unshaven, wore casual clothes. It was like we ran into each other on the playground. It was magical. He seemed so relaxed in that period. 

I read that you first met Prince at a bar in Minneapolis.
Yes. It was December in Minneapolis, so it was cold, and my friends dragged me out. I wasn't going to go to the bar. [Prince] strolled in and he kept looking at me, so I passed him a note at the bar and we got talking. I introduced myself as Gertrude and he said he was Dexter [laughs]. And that's who we were to each other forever.

When did Gertrude and Dexter start working together?
He asked me if I wanted to go for a ride to Paisley Park that night, so we went. That was it. I remember he left me alone in a room for quite some time. I had a notebook on me, so I did some writing. Later, I heard accounts of that evening that he'd gotten on the phone with producers and said, "I've met an angel," and stopped work on The Black Album.

How quickly after that night did you start writing poetry for Prince? Did you have any hesitations?
Prince told me to write 21 poems and we would make a poetry album, so I worked endlessly, 24/7, for the next six weeks before bringing them to the studio. I wasn't nervous to show him my work. Prince had this ability to see creative potential in a person before they saw it in themselves. He made me feel better as a writer than I felt about myself.

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