Dear Prince.

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Dear Angel,

How is heaven for a change of pace ?
I hope it doesn't shun earth as a disgrace.

What's it like to sing in such paradise ?
Is music still your communicative device ?
Can our round of applause still be heard ?
Or is everything up there an ethereal blur ?

I think of you most days more often than not.
And although my heart feels like it's been shot.
My grief can never beat my heartfelt praise.
Therefore, I'll love you forever and always.

My Prince, this longing for your existence.
Will continue with a painful persistence.
As your absence is so strikingly distant.
And you were our only guiding assistant.

So until we meet again, we'll treasure you so.
Our hearts beating strongly as we walk life's show.
Your presence watching over those who need you most.
Visiting us in our dreams so we can feel you near and close.

This is all I have to say to you until I'm fulled with another load of thoughts. I hope that your spirit is renewed..and no longer tangled in troubled knots.

Till next time, my love. I give you my heart eternally..

Sincerely Yours,

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