The Dream.

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So I had a dream about Prince last night and granted, I've had multiple dreams about Prince but you don't need to know about those ones, haha. This dream was particular significant although it may have been under random circumstances

(thanks to my weird sub-conscious) but it was the first dream I had where he actually acknowledged me. Like really looked me in the eyes and gave me confirmation that he was aware of my existence.

This dream felt more real in the sense that although the setting was unrealistic, the exchanges felt real and not cliche or anything or dream-like y'know. So anyway here's what happened..

I was on the soccer field at my high school (now this isn't too strange, I tend to dream about my school a lot although I dropped out regrettably years ago) anyhow it's a fairly large grassy field so this is the area where people would stand and wait for their busses to go home at the end of the day.

Anyway, I was waiting for mine and quickly soon became aware of the hyped up crowds that informed me that for some reason Prince was due to be getting off my bus and hopping onto another one.

I have no freaking idea why. Our school buses are rickety and old and just really unpleasant in general but then again he would be on the bus with a lot of kids so I guess he would be able to make conversation and have good company ultimately.

So people waited with anticipation and I did too. The bus finally arrived and and he stepped off. I barely got to see him though as the crowds were blocking my view from a distance and I didn't really try to get to him.

I hopped onto my bus and sat on the seat he did although the front seat was always my seat of choice back then so he stole mine tbh. Anywho, being the natural humble and charming man he was..he came back and stood by the door and kinda just said goodbye to everyone (he must of had a good time)

This is the first dream I've ever had btw where he was his later the afro and big glasses. He looked healthy and naturally beautiful. As he stood there and waited for the bus to leave, he was very much in within my visions range. He was saying his final farewells and what not, saying I love you and blowing kisses.

Although I wasn't dying to get his attention (I'm a shy bish) I said "love you !" and blew him a kiss back and I kinda smacked my lips too loudly when I did that because he heard me and he gazed towards me and just smiled that cheeky smile of his.

And then the doors closed and I was left to swoon in a daze at what just happened. Then my bus driver who was always the same, he was foreign and had a very thick accent but he was a nice old guy who would chat with me regularly as I was the only politely behaved kid on the damn thing.

He suddenly piped up and said to me "Prince, he's perfect" and I literally didn't have to think for a second. I was like "yeah..he really is" and he just nodded in agreement but it was strangely nostalgic like. It was as if he had passed and we were talking past tense but we weren't.

And that's it really..I remember some other stuff occurring also but I can't remember for the life of me now. But yeah, it was nice and so was the first dream I had that felt real. Like he had heard me.

 Like he had heard me

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