5# REAL FORCES Or Imagination?

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I opened the basement door as John left the door open.

I turned on my torch and steped into the basement, passing the stairs. when I reached the switchboard I turned on all the lights of the basement... Nothing happened huh..

phew, nothing is here... Maybe John was right.. It was my imagination and it's because I was drunked but I haven't reach johns room

I turned off my torch and when I went to John's room I was astonished to see the same chair, someone sitting on it covered with a white dusty cloth and this time the cloth was covered with some stale blood.. Omg

I slowly steped towards the chair and decided  to remove the cloth .My heart was racing, I could tell that I was sweating and when I removed the cloth I screamed.. My eyes widened..

It was someone's dead body..

Everything was stale except for bones (skeleton). I was so scared and decided to run and closed the door.

I still can't believe what I saw. I was continuously staring at the door. My steps were slowly stepping back suddenly there was a knock at the basement door. What who this could be? There was no one in there except for a dead body

... No no it can't be i am drunked
Caroline you are drunked and it may be because of ur sickness, your hallucinating.
Tears started to flow from my eyes
I kept on telling myself that it is not happening. Suddenly the knock was stoped.

"w-who is it" i almost wispered . The door began to break a little as someone from other side of the door was pushing it hard. I can't believe this, I screamed and ran from the lawn I ran towards the stairs and was about to end the stairs to enter my room,  a boy came in between the top of the stairs and was staring at me .He looked like a spirit he was little invisible like spirits are he was covered with blood. He looked like 10 year old boy and he was looking at me without any expression on his face.

I stepped back and ran to the way to the outsidedoor. I opened the door and ran to the garden.
I looked back a the house,and saw 3  silhouette from my room window. One was a little boys silhouette and other two looked elders, they kept on staring at me i then ran to the neighbour (the old lady's house)

I passed through her garden of dead crops and plants and knocked at the house door
*knock knock *
"please please open up, open the door please "I cried

The same old lady opened the door

" please let me.. "I was cut off by her
" come in "

The lady let me in her house she asked for something to eat or drink
But I refused
I kept on breathing hard and was very scared

Caroline :" do you know anything about castle of Netherlands? "

Old lady :"... Yes"

"what is it please tell me I want to know... Today I saw three silhouettes and a dead skeleton it was smelling as well "

The old lady dint speak anything she nodded all the time

Caroline :" um... Miss why don't you say something "

Old lady : " i won't... "

Caroline : " won't?.. But why? "

Old lady : " Because its not the right time... "
''EH? ''

Right time? What do u mean by right time? When those ghost will kill me then would it be the right time for you?

Old lady : " well It is obvious that your a girl who is always drunked even still you are drunk. In short who's gonna believe you? Do you have any prove? Or still its your imagination?or making stories? "

Hey there buddy...vote and comment

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