17 # The END

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As long as you have the holy cloth with you, the evil forces can't harm you.

Here I am back To Netherlands, standing across the border. I sighed and went across the border. I lead my way towards the castle.. Nothing happened. I reached the castle gate and with all of my force on the door I pushed it hard. The door opened.

I searched for John but he was no where to be found.

"John "

I searched the lawn and the rooms finally I went towards the basement under the impression that John must be inside. I opened the door of the dark basement . My gaze went to the switch board and it was full of rust and dust i switched on the lights but it wasn't working. At last I switched on my torch which i bought with myself.

I went towards his room and saw john sitting on his chair his back was on me . He looked at me. His face was covered with blood. I was astonished to see blood over the ghosts face.

" oh my god. John "its screamed running towards him. As my gaze went to his body i saw a knife stabbed on his stomach.. Omg am I in the past. I looked at him. Tears were forming in my eyes.

" Caroline " he spoke my name almost suffering in a great pain" please... Make. It. Stop "

Make it stop?

" what "

" Elisabeth... Make her stop "he said and gestured towards the frame.

I went near the frame and looked at her with my wide eyes. But just then, something clicked my mind

The dream... I moved the frame with my hands and it fell on the floor and there it was. The mirror on the wall... i looked at myself in the mirror.. Nothing happened it was my own reflection then I pulled my palm and touched the mirror and my palm went in it... I was shocked totally shocked I pull my palm out and turn around to look at John. He nodded and smiled. I took a step and went inside the mirror.

The room was dark but with the help of my torch I can see everything it was the dirtiest place I have ever seen
. There were skulls and some salt and hair, etc etc. I think Elisabeth used to do spells in this room.

Oh yes. He really made it easy for me i looked at my left and saw Jenifer's body and some paper over her body i removed the papers and found some spells written on it I burn those papers as the burn Jenifer's body also burned and formed into ashes.

I then looked at my left and found another skeleton. Elisabeth.. I walked near it and hold a cloth in my hands

"Calorine don't "
I turned around and saw Elisabeth standing at some distance from me. She looked like she was begging

" I am sorry Caroline. I just wanted John. Please forgive me i won't hurt you I promise "she begged

I was standing there froze
" NO " I replied coldly

" please Calorine I know you are not cold hearted "

I stared at her . Maybe she is really guilty
" NO Caroline do it "i saw John standing behind her

" don't do this to me John. Please.. I loved you and still loves you.. "Elisabeth tried to convince him but John cut her off
" I said do it Caroline "

With that command I threw the cloth over the Elisabeth's dead body which was now a skeleton. As the skeleton began to burn into ashes Elisabeth screamed" nooo" and began to vanish. Finally I did it. I smiled I was so happy I looked at John he also smiled then began to vanish.
"what.. No no "but it was too late
He disappeared...
As I came out of the basement many souls were vanishing which was visible to me

Now the netherlands is not haunted any more.. I am finally free. But i missed John.

I went back to Chicago and hugged my dad.
Today was my happiest day of my life. By tomorrow I am going to start a new life. I went to my room and closed my eyes with a smiled plastered on my face despretly waiting for the sun to rise.

I am sitting on a chair in the same dark room and saw a silhouette gesturing me towards some papers I took it and it was the same papers of the spells. The paper a began to burn. I threw them on the floor and they formed into ashes I looked at the silhouette and it was.. Jenifer
" Jenifer? "

" What have you done Caroline... You will pay for this "

My eyes snapped opened I reluctantly sat on my bed and found myself sweating ... What the hell...

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