Men, love 'em then leave 'em.

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The next day, when Emma awoke. She knew she had to spend the day with the one person she had counted on in life. She reached over to her bed side table and grabbed her mobile, dialling Clair's number.

"Hello...?" Came a tired voice from the phone.

"It's Emma! I really do hope I woke you up!"

A moan was all that came from the other end.

"Listen. You're coming over to pack. Hurry you." Emma bit her lip. Awaiting the response.

A stuck up Clair replied, "No I don't want to come over and pack. Because If I do, you'll leave."

Emma sighed, "Well that's the point."

An angry Clair groaned and Emma could hear her sitting up, "I'll be there in fifteen." With that she hung up.

Emma laughed and got up not bothering to change knowing that Clair was going to turn up in pyjamas herself. She skipped down the hall and into the kitchen, making coffee.


Before Emma knew it, she heard knocking on the front door.

"If it's Clair, you should already know it's open!" Emma yelled from the kitchen.

Clair walked into the kitchen, grabbed Emma's coffee and walked to Emma's room.

Emma rolled her eyes, re-made another one and followed her in.

"So... You empty your wardrobe and I'll watch." Clair snuggled into Emma's bed in a seated position.

Emma rolled her eyes and begun unpacking her wardrobe. "You think you can manage without me?"

Clair scoffed, "I was doing perfectly fine, before you showed up on my door step!"

Emma placed down her pile of clothes and grabbed the large duffel bag off the top of her wardrobe. "From what I can remember, you turned up on my doorstep asking for money for cookies."

Clair rolled her eyes. "I was fourteen! I didn't know better!" She defended "So who are you going to live with anyway? And what's happening with this place?"

"I'm moving in with my cousin and aunt. Not really that related but close enough!" Emma sighed, stuffing clothes into her bag. "Oh and it's already sold. They move in the day after I leave."

"Oh you mean Caroline. So who else do you know?" Clair was always up to date.

"All I can remember is Caroline and a group of her friends." Emma looked up at the ceiling, "But I do remember a kid called Tyler, he and I were supposedly best friends back in the day, well him and some blonde kid."

"You can't remember much can you?" Clair finished her coffee and placed it on Emma's bed side table.

"Well it has been four years since I was last there, so I guess my memory is a bit wacked out!"

"You've always looked the same age since I met you. So I wouldn't know..." Clair raised her head with curiosity, "So who's this Damon kid?"

Emma's head shot up, "What?"

"Jordan woke up this morning and that's all her would talk about. So who is he?" Clair giggled and made herself comfy, as if a mother was about to tell a story.

"He's just a guy I met yesterday. Jordan walked off and he brought him back to me." Emma kept her head down, as if it were nothing.

"So, is he cute? What?" Clair was now folding the clothes Emma had thrown on her bed.

Emma smirked, "He is very very very attractive."

Clair's eyes widened. "Tell me more!"


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