Curse, what curse.

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Emma sat on the ledge of her wall length window, staring out at the pouring rain. Elijah had swung by Caroline's, after she had left the boarding house and explained to her where she had been placed for the hundred years she had been subconsciously erased. Damon and herself had cleared things up from Emma's drunk out burst, but she still had an awkward gut feeling around him, she just didn't know why.

Emma sensed another presence join her. "Stupid humans these days. They don't know who there inviting in." came an all to familiar English accent.

"Klaus." She greeted as she turned her head towards the bed. There Klaus lay, flicking through Emma's journal. "And you got in how?"

"Your *so called aunt* Liz, fell for the, *I'm a friend of Emma's, may I see her* trick." He replied.

Emma wasn't in the mood, so she played it casual, "Well If you wanted to kill me, I presume you would have already. Why are you here?"

"Don't worry. First I have destroy your life before I decide to kill you." Klaus paused. "How was your coffee date?"

Emma continued looking out the window, "Stalking me?"

"Well depends, if you call following you back to the hotel, having some desert with your little blond boy Nate and then coming back to Mystic Falls to find you *stalking*, then yes." Klaus implied.

"You killed Nate." Emma hissed, death glaring him.

"I was hungry." Klaus teased.

"So tell me why you can't kill me to get it over with?" Emma pointed out.

Klaus laughed, "It's been over hundreds of years since I last found you. Back then I would have killed you in an instant. Now, I am going to take advantage of this. I think being an insusence and destroy every little thing in your life, will be more tormenting then just plain killing." Klaus smirked over to Emma, "Nate was only the beginning."

Emma stood up, snatching the journal out of his hands and smacking him across the face with it. "Well that was for the back  hand you gave me the last time we spoke." Emma knew that was a bad idea.

Suddenly she was slammed against her wall, being held by her neck and struggling to breath.

"Careful sis, I might reconcider keeping you." Klaus hissed.

"Please do so. My life would be better without you in it." Emma smirked, for the hell of it.

"Ahh playing games are we. Just watch your back, you never know who could be next. Damon? Marni?..." He trailed off, Emma still in his grip.

"I am going to kill you even if it's the last thing I do."

"Well it would be the last thing you'd do because I'd kill you for trying." Klaus smirked, "Now that I come to think of it. Where is the moonstone?"

Emma smirked, "Not telling!" she teased.

Klaus threw her across the room, her smashing into the dresser. He grabbed her, slamming her into the wall and clutching her arms. "Tell me!" He hissed.

"NO." Emma responded.

Klaus rolled his eyes and let her go. "You always were the stubborn one in the family."

Emma smiled, showing that she was glad to be it.

"Your friend Marni is very... Entertaining." Klaus took a seat on her winter lounge and begun reading a book Emma never knew she had.

"Oh really? Why does it sound that you arn't going to kill her?" Emma raised an eyebrow.

"Like I said. She entertains me, and shes a witch. So I guess you could say shes my type."

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