Ew, School.

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She stretched; she moaned and made her way out of bed. It was Emma's first day back at Mystic Falls High.

Emma walked into her ensuite, shutting the door behind her. She brushed her teeth, washed her hands and face then made her way back out into her room, to see that her entire wardrobe had been emptied onto her bed.

Caroline walked up to her, pushing a pile of clothes into her chest, "Go get dressed!" she demanded.

"Morning to you to!" Emma mumbled, making her way back into the bathroom.

Caroline had chosen her a loose dark blue and white tie over a white, rolled sleeved dress shirt and a pair of black ankle flats over black jeggings. Emma straitened her hair, putting on mascara and eye liner afterwards.

"You had better not look better than me!" Caroline joked as they waked out the door.

To Emma's surprise, Matt and Tyler were in the driveway.

"See you at school!" Caroline yelled as she got into Matt's car and drove off.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you!" Tyler laughed and opened up her door.

"Don't get your hopes up!" She teased back, stealing his keys out of his hand and getting into the driver’s side.

When they arrived at school, Emma noticed there was allot of stares and murmuring towards her way.

"I hope it's not Caroline's fashion choice." Emma mumbled, loud enough for Tyler to hear.

He laughed, placing his arm around her waist. "Let's go get you enrolled."

 Emma stood blankly at the reception desk.

"Emma Jacobs is it?" the women behind the counter asked.

"Yes, that's me." The lady handed her a piece of paper.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls High." She greeted.

Emma placed on a fake smile and walked out of the office, Tyler standing by the wall, waiting.

"So, what class you got first?" He asked, snatching the piece of paper from Emma's hands. "Ah, history. Looks like you’re a loner for this one!" he teased.

Emma rolled her eyes, snatching back the schedule. "See you at lunch."

She walked into her class. Emma was engulfed again by staring and murmuring. She took a seat next to a dark hair, dark skin girl.

"Hi, I'm Bonnie. Don't worry; they do it to all the new kids." The girl named Bonnie smiled at Emma.

"Emma, what would they be talking about exactly?" Emma reached into her bag, grabbing out her history book.

"Well firstly, you’re nothing like your cousin Caroline and secondly, they think your dating Tyler Lockwood." Bonnie smirked at the last comment.

Emma laughed herself. "Well it’s good to know you’re up to date with the gossip. As for dating Tyler Lockwood, a Big no no there."

Bonnie laughed, “Well welcome to the small town of Mystic Falls. Why did you move here?”

“Well after my parent’s died, I moved to New York, then after four years, I realized I can’t hide from this place forever.”

Bonnie’s mouth dropped, “I’m sorry to hear about your parents. You used to live here?”

“Yeah, back when I was fourteen and younger.”

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