I can't hear, speak louder.

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1hr After break up.

Marni (POV)

Marni descended the stair case, taking it one stair at a time, remembering what had happen a few nights ago. Once at the bottom, she strolled into the living room thinking of getting herself a glass of whatever she could find. Suddenly something she wasn't expecting stood in front of her.

Damon held a half drunk glass in his hand. Back to Marni with him staring intensely at the fire. Suddenly he snapped. Throwing the glass into the fire place, glass shattering everywhere.

Marni raised an eyebrow. The last time she had seen him do that was when he thought Katherine had burnt in the church.

"So is someone on their rags tonight or what?" Marni walked in, taking a seat on the couch.

Damon turned and faced her. His eyes bloodshot. Full of anger and sadness.

Marni bit her lip, then continued in her same mimicking tone. "What did you do...?"

Damon grabbed another glass. This time filling it full of bourbon and took a seat on the couch himself. Not saying a word.

"Fine don't tell me." Marni pouted, standing up and making her way back out.

"She broke up with me."Damon mumbled, loud enough for her to hear.

Marni stopped in her tracks. "This won't be good." She thought, turning around to face him.

"I lied to her. I didn't tell her what really happened between Katherine and I. Why couldn't I just tell her the truth?" Damon stood back up, pacing backwards and forwards across the room.

"You do know your name is Damon right? That's what you do. As for Emma, shes just and emotionally unstable bitch. Her words not mine."

Damon glared at her.

"Just saying." Marni rolled her eyes and took a seat on the ground, where she stood.

"Marni, you are basically my only friend and what I'm about to tell you stays between you and I, got it?"

Marni nodded for him to continue.

"I think I love her..."

Marni sat there, wide eyed and open mouthed. "He has only said he's loved one girl in his life and that's was the selfish bitch Katherine. Now hes found a girl that's perfect compared to her. Woah, this is going to be complicated." She thought.

"Are you sure your not just drunken pms'y Damon right now?" Stefan strolled in, leaning against the wall closest to him.

"Looks like this isn't between you and I anymore brother." Marni ducked her head, preventing Damon to see the smirk across her face.

"Shut up Marni." Damon turned and faced the fire once again.

"Well as much as I want to deal with emotionally unstable Damon right now. We have other problems." Stefan walked into the centre of the living room.

Marni and Damon now stood before him. "John Gilbert is back in town and is trying to get his hand on one of the inventions."

"Which one?" Marni asked.

"I'm not sure yet. Bonnie's trying to figure out that now." Stefan read Marni's expression. "She's at Elena's."

Marni nodded and disappeared.

When she reached the Gilberts home, Marni jumped through Elena's window for the element of surprise.

"Marni you retard!" Jeremy shouted. " You could have been busted."

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