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Three Weeks Later

It had been three weeks since Emma disappeared. Everyone presuming she had been consumed by the Necromancy Crystal and was terrorizing some helpless town. Marni had reluctantly left Klaus' side and gone home with Damon, both preparing for boring days to come. Klaus disappeared, doing who knows what and Emma was somewhere in Chicago.

Marni (POV)

Marni awoke with blaring sunlight in her face.

"GUAAAAHHH!! Go away!! You have no friends!!" She yelled at the sun.

There was a slight chuckle from the door.

Marni sat up to see Stefan leaning against the door frame. She assumed that it was him that pulled her curtains back, revealing the sun.

"No No No No NO! I am not going to school today. It is boring and gay and well IT'S SCHOOL!" Marni yelled at him, then hid back underneath her covers.

Stefan laughed again, "Marni, it's Sunday, so there's no need to abuse the sun."

Marni sighed in stupidity and threw the blanket off her face, "I so knew that. I was uh, just testing you. And if it's Sunday, why in God's name did you wake me up?"

"Well, you haven't been outside of this room in weeks. You need sunlight," He gestured to the window. "And you need to socialise."

"When do I ever socialise?" she asked incredulously.

"My point being, we miss you. Seeing how you aren't answering your phone, Caroline has resorted to calling me, and having a very persistent young vampire call you every half hour can get a little annoying."

"Sucks to be you," Marni muttered.

"And I also came to ask you if you've seen Damon," he stated.

"Nope, not since last night. He was with Andy, or whatever her name is. They're probably off doing God knows what. Why's that?"

"Just wondering. Haven't seen him in a while," Stefan shrugged. "Speaking of Caroline, she asked me if you wanted to have a girls night with her, Elena and Bonnie."

"I am in no mood to have a girls night out," Marni answered. "I just want to lay here and wait until everything gets better. But of course, that won't happen, because everything has to turn to crap for me. For all of us. My best friend's out probably killing people because of that stupid necromancer crystal, and it's all my fault. I should've known she would've gone after it! I should've stopped her..."

Stefan sighed and walked over where Marni was, sitting down beside her. He wrapped and arm around her shoulder and she leaned against him.

"I know you're upset about Emma," he started. "But you can't blame yourself for this. None of this is your fault. She brought this on herself when she took the crystal."

"But if I hadn't have told her about it..."

"Caroline would be dead, and you would be even more upset."

"So, what? Am I meant to do what we always have to do? Just move on? Pretend like nothing's happened?" she scoffed.

"For the time being, yes," Stefan answered. "Because until we find out how to help Emma, life is going to go on. And Caroline isn't going to stop pestering me until I manage to get you out of the house."

Marni sighed reluctantly. "Fine. I'll go to this girls night."

"Good," he smiled.

"Does this mean I have to get dressed?" Marni asked.

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