Back on track.

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OMG!! I woke up this morning and saw everyone's lovely comments and like ect. There was so many I almost cried. Thank you so much for everything guys!!! Love you all. Hope you enjoy this chapter :D

Emma awoke on a bed she didn't recognise. Who had put her there and why was all she could think. She shot up, dazed and confused.

"Gee you really aren’t a morning person are you?"

Emma turned her head to see Damon lying next to her. Black dress shirt, black dress pants, bourbon in hand. Typical Damon.

"Oh god!" she relaxed. Things that had happened last night, flowing back into her mind. She laid back down, curling up against Damon. “Why do I have such a crappy memory?” Emma thought.

"Don't let me be your excuse to miss school today." Damon teased

"Humph!" she pouted into his chest. Emma got up, walking out of his room.

"And were may you be going?" He asked her, suddenly in front of her.

"As humiliating as you want me to look, I am not going to school in my pyjamas. Actually make that your pyjamas. So please excuse me while I go ravish through your, not really sister's cupboard!"

Damon laughed, "She told you that huh?"

Emma rolled her eyes, "As great as it is you blocking the door and all, MOVE!"

Damon lent down and kissed her. "That's all what was needed."

Emma sighed and headed to Marni's room. When she entered, Marni was passed out, legs spread, half  body on bed half off, arms in wacky positions. Emma smirked; she walked over to the other side of Marni's bed and flipped it.

"Ahhhh!!" Came Marni's voice from under the mattress.

"So I see your exactly like Damon. You only own one particular out fit and many of it!" Emma looked up and down the singlets and skinnies in Marni's closet.

"Next time you do that. I'll kill you, in the most painfulness way possible." Mani made her way out from under the bed.

"I'm going for plain black skinnies and a grey singlet. How about you?" Emma turned around, huge grin on her face.

Marni's hair was a total pig sty. She had a blank expression on her face, "BITE ME."

Damon drove them both to school, considering they were extremely late. As Emma entered her history class, she noticed everyone was in and class had begun.

"Please take a seat Jacobs." Said her history teacher, Alaric Saltzman from behind his desk.

Emma nodded and joined Bonnie. "Morning!" she said quietly.

"Morning!" Bonnie replied. "So gossip's told me you’re dating Damon Salvatore not Tyler Lockwood!"

Emma rolled her eyes, "Gossip's told you right!"

"He's very dangerous. Be careful okay!" Bonnie touched Emma’s hand. The same tingling feeling she had felt with Marni, she now felt with Bonnie.

"No way. Two witches in one week. This is unreal!" Emma whispered.

"How did you know?" Bonnie lent closer to Emma so they could hear each other.

"Made a friend called Marni. Somehow I'm guessing you know her."

Bonnie laughed and agreed.

"Well yeah she told me everything, and I'm guessing you know about the Salvatore's by the way you warned me."

Bonnie nodded.

"Don't worry. I think I have this down packed, Stefan and Damon vampires. Marni and you witches, me some unidentified human species and Elena is a decedent from the all known vampire, Katherine, who was burnt in the church with all her fellow friends back in the 1800’s."

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