Love Lies.

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Barefoot and running. Not exactly the best idea. But what's worse? What I am running from.Trees creeked from the wind, branches snapped from my feet. I was cut, bruised and bloody, but I did not care. The pain I was in now, would be nothing compared to the pain I would be in if he caught me. I squint as pelting rain blurs my vision. Nothing, not even death could stop me. Coming into veiw, I see a clearing. No more rocks or sticks, just a large open medow. This encourages me to run faster, to pick up speed, to not give up. Finally coming out into the clearing, I take a lungful of fresh clean air and slow down. One problem. The medow was surrounded by forrest, forrest of which had three men emerging from. I turn around to run back, but there he is. The man I had tried so hard to escape from. Tall, dark and handsome is what you could call it. But his eyes, his eyes were as black as the devils soul. No pupil, no white, just plain dark sky. My heart skips a beat. I can't run, I am trapped with no escape. I attempt my last resort by screaming for help, but my voice is choked back by a pericing pain in my heart. All four men have arrisen their arms, with their clamped fists towards me. I grasp at my chest, not even able to breath. I fall to my knees, hand over my heart, breathless. I listen to the beats of my heart slowing, so slow it's just moments before it would stop. Looking up, the black eyed man looks down upon me, a sickening smile written across his lips. I try one last time, one last question, to ask why, but again, no sound. No sound at all. My heart has ceased and my vision turns black, just as black as the man that stood over me.

Emma shot up, taking her hand to her heart. It was still beating. She breathed in, accepting what she just had was a nightmare.

Emma tossed back into her bed, smiling as she snuggled back into her new soft doona. For the first time in months she was happy, other then the nightmare she had just had. The necromancy crystal had died down, she was begging to regain her emotions and the new house she now lived in was perfect for her taste. Especially with her balcony out looking the beautiful crystal waters of virginia beach. Everything was perfect. She had the best birthday... well an interesting one. Her bestfriend was avoiding her brother and now Emma was enjoying her serenity.

"Ahhh quiet." Emma thought to herself, silently listening to the crashing sounds of the beach.

"I'm Hooooommmmeee!" Came an overly familiar voice from the door.

Emma grumbled. "Not."

"What are you complaining about?" Marni said happily jumping onto the bed.

"Why are you heeerrree?" Emma moaned, pulling herself onto her elbows.

"Because being informed that you've been kissed by a blood sucking, unemotional vampire doesn't get on your nerves at all." Marni shrugged.

Emma sighed, "Coffee?"

"That'd be great thanks!" oblivious to Emmas statement.

Emma blankly stared at her.

"Ohhh you want me to make it?"

A smirk rose on Emma's lips along with her well known puppy dog eyes.

"Argh fine. Just because I gate crashed and all." Marni skipped out of the room and into the kitchen.


Finally pulling herself out of bed, Emma slipped on a pair of white denium shorts and an over streched grey singlet over her red bikinis.

"How are you coping?" Emma asked again, making her way into the kitchen to see a hot coffee made and Marni preparing choc chip pancakes. "Wow, must be bad."

"Why would you think that?" Marni spun around, spatula in hand.

"Your happy, it's sunny and your cooking at nine o'clock in the morning..?" Emma took a swig of her coffee.

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