Chapter 1: Eyes

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This is my first Fanfic so bear with me while I get my footing :) constructive criticism is welcome and thank you for reading! I'll do my best to update weekly :) I hope you enjoy!
Name: Princess Yuri Amori

From: Takigakure (village hidden in the waterfall)

Appearance: Blue hair, Blue eyes (turns red- explains later), thin, athletic, small but proportionate in the Brest/ butt ares, medium height.

*Takes place after Sasuke returns to the village after the war
Sasuke POV
'Everything is so different... And yet it is still the same' I thought as I head to Kakashi's office to get my next mission. He had been giving me small C and D level missions for the past month. Not that I really blame him after all I left and after everything I did... And everything I tried to do... No, I don't blame him for wanting to rebuild trust... It's just tedious.

I sighed and opened the door "Ah Sasuke, come in and sit." I did as instructed and sat in one of the big chairs facing the grey haired man "I am giving you an A ranked mission today." I couldn't stop myself from sitting up a little straighter at his words "Before you get to excited, you will be escorting a high ranking Princess from Takigakure back here. There will be enemy ninja who's job it will be to keep her from fulfilling her purpose here so keep a watchful eye. Also she is not used to traveling in the ways of ninja so your journey home will take roughly two months so pack accordingly. You will be given a substantial allowance so do try and sleep indoors as much as possible. We want her safe and comfortable." I nodded my compliance, grabbed my mission scroll with my usual neutral demeanor and started towards the door 'Great I'm babysitting... Well I guess beggars can't be choosers' I thought as Kakashi spoke again as I reached the door "Oh and Sasuke... The Princess's name is Yuri.. Yuri Amori" I nodded again and left the room trying to remember the familiar sounding name but came up with nothing.

"Sasuke!" Nartuo was waiting just outside the door for me, I sighed "Nartuo, you don't have to keep checking on me." He smiled as he scratched the back of his head "I know but since Kakashi- sensei has you doing bum missions all the time I figured that you are board." I smirked and showed him the seal on my scroll "Not anymore." Naruto got an even bigger grin "An A rank! That's great Sasuke! I knew he would give in eventually, Believe it! Let go get some ramen to celebrate!" I smiled at my friend and fallowed him to the ramen shop 'Some things will never change'
Yuri POV
I sit in the morning light, breathing in the cool air in an attempt to calm the rising panic 'I don't know why I'm feeling like this! It isn't like I didn't know this day would come. Hell my entire life has been classes and training for this purpose! My parents have never lied or tried to hide my future from me and to be completely honest I have had more time than anyone thought...' I was dragged out of my thoughts by my father's deep voice "Yuri did you hear me?" My eyes snapped to my father's deep blue eyes that were so much like my own and if I had any blood left in my face I probably would have blushed "I apologize Otosan (father), what was that?" He sighed and repeated himself "I said that a ninja will arrive in a few days to escort you to Konoha and from there arrangements have been made for you betrothal..." Unfortunately I didn't hear the rest of what my father said because everything went dark...
Sasuke POV
"A Princess! Here? Really? Wow she must be beautiful! I wonder what she will be doing here" I couldn't help but wince as Sakura yelled, Nartuo forgot to tell me everyone was meeting for lunch 'Somethings will never change' I found myself thinking again. Before I could tell her I didn't know Ino cut in "God Sakura you are so dumb, didn't you pay attention to the Kunoichi training we got as kids?" Sakura glared hard at the blonde woman but before she could respond Ino continued "Princesses are married into one of the great ninja families every 25 years to keep the alliance strong, to keep the house's bloodlines pure and to bring honor to both families and nations. It is a very important tradition that holds great honor."

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