Chapter 2: Longing

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Real fast for those who don't know the difference:
San- formal, Mr. Ms., Used for someone you don't really know
Kun- informal, mainly for a boy, used for a friend/bf/family
Chan- informal, mainly for a girl, used for a friend/gf/family/ small children
Sama- formal, used for those of a higher rank
Yuri POV
'Wow he is handsome... his eyes... I can't look away...' The growing warmth that started to spread all over my body was quickly replaced by cold fear as my foot was met with air instead if the next step, sending me into a free fall down the stairs. 'SHIT!' I thought as I let out a small scream.
Sasuke POV
I moved quickly, catching the falling princess bridal style. 'I have to put her down and get some distance' I thought as her small form pressed against my body started to make me feel cloudy. Just then Yuri blew her bangs out of her eyes and I was frozen, sucked into those big blue orbs again. 'Put her down, Put her down, put her down' I kept thinking but my body wouldn't react.

Her small hand reached out and found the bare skin at my wrist. My blood heated and all thoughts of putting this woman down left until her father's voice cut through the fog "You see Nina-chan, I told you this boy was not to young to protect our daughter." The spell broken, I quickly set Yuri on her feet and bowed "Are you alright princess?" She nodded and looked to the floor, a cute blush forming on her cheeks. Her father spoke again "She isn't normally so clumsy." He chuckled and Yuri's blush deepened "Take good care of her Mr. Uchiha... She is very precious" he said with a touch of sadness. I nodded, grabbed Yuri's bag and lead her out the door 'This is going to be an interesting trip...' I thought.
Time Hop
Yuri POV
We had been riding in my family's carriage for the past few hours in silence not that I minded. I was to busy mentally kicking myself for falling down the stairs and thinking about the way his much bigger body felt holding mine. 'Get it together Yuri! You have been around attractive men before what is your problem?!!.. Attractive men yes but this guy looks like a God with eyes that holds a very tempting promise of pleasure... And happiness. Wait! What?!' I mentally slap myself 'These thoughts should be saved for your HUSBAND! Not your escort!... Maybe he could become my consort.. married nobles do it all the time why do I have to be any different? What?! NO! Bad Yuri bad, bad, bad!' the carriage pulled to a stop and his voice pulled me from my thoughts "Princess we have reached the village gates, we will be traveling on foot to the next village from here." I nodded my agreement, to embarrassed to speak "One more thing, there is a crowd of people outside who want to wish you fair well, I want you to stay close and don't stray in case of an attack." I nodded once more shocked at his cold tone of voice 'How could someone who made me feel so warm an hour ago have such a cold voice? Humm attack? That is a possibility?' I was pulled from my thoughts again by a sigh. I looked up to see that my escort had already gotten out of the carriage and was holding his hand out to assist me 'I wonder how long he was standing there... Oops' I thought as I slid my hand into his, feeling the warmth start low in my stomach and then spread like wildfire as his fingers close over mine.

I inhaled sharply as his much bigger hand engulfed my smaller one and my eyes shot to his, only to see he was having the same feelings I was and boy did the heat in his normally cold eyes look good on him. I broke eye contact, shook my head and quickly exited the carriage. I couldn't help but feel bare as he released my hand but I fallowed him closely nonetheless. I turned my attention from his broad shoulders to the crowd. There was hundreds of people there yelling my name and wishing me safe travels 'I can't blame them for being excited about this... After the war we really need this alliance with Konoha... It just sucks it has to be me.' I sighed
Unknown POV
I watch the princess and her escort make their way to the gates 'Humm smart boy.. there is no way I would be able to get to her through the crowd much less with her so close to the Uchiha... I must wait' I thought as I jumped to the ground.
Time Hop
Yuri POV
We arrived at the next village before dark and got a room with two beds because and I quote "It will be easier to protect you in the same room." That is all he said on the matter which makes since but at the same time I was really hoping to get some time away from the man to clear my thoughts. He also left me cooped up in said room to get us dinner because and I quote "It's safer for me to be in the room at night and not walking around town." Again it made since but was very irritating and I know being cooped up all the time is going to get old...

I sat up on my bed when I heard him come into the room. My stomach ungraciously rumbled as I smelled the food 'Humm I must have been hungrier than I thought'. He handed me my food "Here you go Princess." I couldn't help the blush that formed on my cheeks "Yuri... Please call me Yuri." He nodded "Okay, Yuri- sama, your food." A sweat drop appeared on my forehead and I chuckled slightly "How about Yuri- san? We are going to be traveling together for a while after all." He paused again before nodding once more "Yuri- san..." he spoke slowly and I couldn't help but blush at the sound of my name in his voice. I smiled brightly "Can I ask your name?" He paused and stood for a moment before easing himself onto his bed "It's Sasuke... Sasuke Uchiha... You can call me Sasuke- san" I sat for a moment repeating his name in my mind before speaking "Hum I like your name... Sasuke- san... It fits you." Realizing I said that out loud I quickly started eating my food glad he didn't reply and happy that I got a small smile out of him.
Sasuke POV
I was mesmerized by her voice... I liked the way her name felt on my lips and loved the way mine sounded on her's... When she said she liked my name my stomach did a weird flip that I have never felt before. 'What was it about this girl? It's not like I haven't had girls tell me they liked my name before hell I've had girls throw themselves at me practically my entire life so why was she so special?... I'm in trouble...' I sighed as I finished my food and got ready to lay down. Yuri's voice drew me from my thoughts as I realized she was standing with some cloths in her hands and a blush on her beautiful face "Could... Could you turn around Sasuke- san?"

I was frozen for a moment before I realized I was staring and quickly turned my back to her "I apologize Yuri- san, of course" I heard the soft swishing of her robes being opened and the warmth I had been feeling pooled low in my groin as I fought a groan from escaping, then I caught her reflection in the window. I tried to pull my gaze away I really did but I lost the battle. All I saw was her back but watching the last of her robes fall from her perfect porcelain skin, then watching her take the pins from her thick blue hair... Seeing it fall like a beautiful crystal waterfall cascading down her shoulders to the small of her back was enough to start an erection. 'Scratch that I am in big trouble...' I thought as her voice drifted to my ears saying she was finished dressing.
Yuri POV
I pulled my blankets back and climbed into bed when Sasuke took his shirt off. My mouth dried up at the sight of his sleek, ripped abs, I couldn't help the sudden urge to kiss all the scares he had scattered across his body and I found myself wondering what he would taste like. I looked up to see him watching my reaction with a heated look of his own.

He smirked then and I instantly felt myself getting wet "Yuri-san... You should turn around." He said. I licked my lips and saw his eyes flick to my mouth and if possible, his look grew even more heated. He reached for his pants and started to unbutton them, his eyes locked with mine as if playing a game of chicken, I sucked in a sharp breath and quickly turned away. 'What is happening?! One day with this man and I am acting like a dog in heat! I must keep control of myself..  but mmmm did he look good.' I heard him chuckle softly before sleep and dreams of my escort's body against mine claimed me.

His Princess And Her Ninja (Sasuke Uchiha Love)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin