Chapter 14: Need

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Yuri POV
Sakura and I had found a cabin on the outskirts of town after helping the villagers put the fires out. Sakura laid down to rest as I started to make dinner with the groceries we got. Sasuke and Naruto had been gone for hours and all that was replaying in my mind was Sasuke with the purple haired ninja's blood spraying everywhere... 'I beat the hell out of him but Sasuke.... Sasuke will kill him...' I closed my eyes and released the breath I had been holding.

I didn't know what everyone liked so I made a bit of everything. To be honest I was stress cooking in the worst way possible. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize Sasuke and Naruto had come in until Naruto was standing over my shoulder drooling. I jumped and smacked him with my spatula sending him flying into the counter and onto the ground. "Oh my goodness I am so sorry Naruto- kun! You scared me!!" I said as I helped him up from the floor. "It's alright Yuri- chan, dinner smells amazing!" He said, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish look on his face. "Why don't you go wake Sakura up while I set the table?" I asked as I grabbed plates, Naruto nodded and disappeared. "It really does smell wonderful in here Yuri." Sasuke said coming up and hugging me from behind. I leaned back into him enjoying the warmth from his embrace and sighed. "I didn't know what everyone liked so I made a little of everything, I hope I made something for everyone to enjoy." I said pulling away and motioning him to sit down.

Sasuke chuckled "I'm sure everyone would have been happy with anything you made, you are a great cook... I am going to go wash up." He kissed the base of my neck and his grip on my hip tightened "You were amazing today..." he growled low in my ear. I blushed and gave him a small smile. My smile faded as his back turned and I saw the dried blood that covered his hands and knew the cloud ninja was dead. I returned to the kitchen literally shaking the thoughts in my head away as I started to serve the food. Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke's mouths were watering as I set the miso salmon, ginger pork, chicken yakidoba, white and fried rice, chow mein, classic pork raman and for desert some dango and syrup-coated dumplings on the table. I bowed slightly as I finished serving some green tea, everyone was speechless and starring from me to the table. "Did I not make something you like Sakura- chan, Nartuo- kun?" Naruto slammed his hands on the table and pointed at at me "This is amazing Yuri-chan!!! You made my favorite Raman, you made Sakura and Sasuke's favorite deserts and everything else looks so good I think that cloud ninja killed me because this smells like heaven!!" Sasuke patted Naruto's shoulder making the heavily breathing man sit back down. I smiled big "Thank you Naruto-kun, please dig in."

The dinner was full of laughter and light conversation as everyone enjoyed the meal. Naruto and Sasuke teased me about my temper tantrum earlier causing Sakura to choke on her tea when they repeated the great sex part, Naruto gushed about my Raman, the three friends talked about some of their missions as kids, Sasuke spoke about chess confusing Naruto, Sakura talked about Lee and Naruto asked if he could get my Raman recipe for Hinata. It was a great dinner and was exactly what we all needed to calm down after a stressful day. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and the three ninja who were so calm a second ago all quickly drew weapons. Sasuke nodded to Naruto who as if on cue moved to answer the door. A little old woman was standing there and bowed "Hello sir, I just wanted to thank you all of your help today. I run the hot springs here in town and would be honored to have you visit." Naruto smiled "Well it was the least we could do since it was sort of our fault the crazy guy was here in the first place." he said nervously. The old woman just smiled "It is never ones fault that a mad man attacked innocents unless you are the mad man. Please except my offer young man." Naruto nodded and bowed to the old woman before closing the door and turning to everyone.

"So hot springs it is." Sakura said standing. I started to clear the table "Maybe she would like some sweet dumplings." Sakura started to help me put things away "That is a great idea! You are very kind Yuri" I blushed at her compliment and smiled. Sasuke grabbed my hand and softly kissed my fingers "Thank you Yuri." I pulled away and looked into his dark eyes and asked the question that had been eating at me "Sasuke... The cloud ninja... Is he..." My question faded off as Sasuke's face became distant. He reached up to brush a strand of hair from my face. "Yuri.." Naruto cut in, he had apparently been ease dropping. "I was shocked because normally in missions like these we would have killed him once interrogation was over so there wouldn't be a chance of him coming back like that damned Zabuza did way back when, but Sasuke insisted on waiting for an Anbu ninja to come and escort him back to the land of the clouds. Sasuke has apparently gone a little soft." Sasuke hit Naruto making both Naruto and Sakura laugh. My heart was beating loudly in my chest and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close. "Thank you Sasuke..." He pulled back and jabbed my forehead "Your a weird girl Yuri.... let's go.." he said in a voice heavy with affection before turning to gather some plates.
Sasuke POV
I had a permanent blush on my cheeks. 'Damn those two....' Naruto and Sakura had ordered two private baths and one couple's bath for the newly weds pointing to Yuri and I. The old lady was so happy that neither Yuri or I had the heart to correct them... Plus I wanted the alone time and I knew Yuri did too. So I kept my mouth shut and let my hand snake around Yuri's slim waist, pulling her in close. Now I am starting to think this was a bad idea as I sit in the hot tub, leaning against a large rock, naked and alone. 'What is taking her so long' I wondered as I dipped my head beneath the water, letting the hot liquid wash over me.

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