Chapter 13: King

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So Yuri and Sasuke are almost to Konoha :D let me know what you all are thinking! Some feedback would be great.
Sasuke POV
Naruto and I had been blowing through clone after clone, my sharingan not picking up on where the real cloud ninja was hiding and for each clone we killed three more would take it's place. "Naruto this is a waste! He isn't here!" Naruto flipped back and landed on the tree branch I was on, breathing heavily. "What the hell is this guy's deal? I don't see his target." Something in me clicked at Naruto's words "She is my king... Shit! Come on Naruto!" I said as I raced, dodging clones and taking some stray kunai to get back to the inn.

I skidded to a stop when we neared the street the inn was on. It was flooded with clones, I looked to Nartuo who nodded and made his clones of his own. 'This might take a while..' I thought as we took off. "AHH I.. HATE.. SHADOW.. CLONES..!!" I yelled each word enunciated with a poof from a dying clone. I jumped back and quickly did my hand signs "Great Fireball Jutsu!!" I yelled as I breathed out a giant ball of fire, Naruto's clones jumped from the smoke slicing through a big group. We kept layering our attacks, cutting our way through the crowd when suddenly there was a loud explosion. I looked up to see smoke bellowing into the sky where the inn was and I swear I swallowed my heart. "SASUKE!! The inn!!" Nartuo yelled jumping next to me. "I see it Nartuo..." As if someone yelled go we both ran past the remaining clones to the inn. 'Please be okay..'
Yuri POV
'Well this escalated quickly' I thought as I blocked more debris from falling on Sakura. Sakura and I had been waiting in the room the anticipation building and building after Sasuke and Naruto left. The closer the bombs got the more it felt like the silence in the room was suffocating me. Suddenly an explosion hit the inn, sending me flying into the wall. The back of my head leaving a nice dent in the plaster, making my ears ring. Part of the ceiling fell on Sakura effectively knocking the kunoichi out and pinning her to the ground. I tried digging her out to no avail, she was pinned by a huge chunk making an escape impossible.

'Even if I wanted to leave Sakura behind I still wouldn't be a match for the ninja outside... My best hope is to stay here and hold the inn until Sasuke notices...' I heard the front door crash open so I quickly made some shadow clones to hold the perimeter. 'I have to get Sakura out' I thought as I tried to lift the debris again, the smoke from the fire making my lungs burn and eyes water. "ARGH!! Damn it!" I yelled as I tried lifting the debris, straining my muscles.

Noises of fighting were getting louder and louder until finally the door to our room was smashed open, sending splinters everywhere. One of my clones hit the wall and disappeared in a puff of smoke. I don't know if it was seeing my body fly across the room or if it was panic finally taking over or maybe even adrenalin kicking me into hyperdrive but something in me broke and red hot anger filled me. "Seriously Why!?! Why does this crap keep happening! YOU assholes keep getting in the way of the last few days of happiness I have left and to be completely honest some really great sex! Didn't your mother ever teach you some damn manners?!? You know what never mind I'll teach you some right NOW!!" I yelled as I stood up my chakra whipping around me in wild red tangles. I ran full blast at the rouge cloud ninja, focusing chakra into my hand and punched him square in the jaw. My hit sent the white haired man through the wall and out into the street.

I turned and with my newfound strength I lifted the debris off of Sakura, picked her up and jumped out the hole in the wall. "You guys are really pissing me off. I don't know why you are after me and frankly I don't care! But it is really getting old!" I said as I set Sakura down a safe distance away from the fire. 'She will be ok.. just knocked out...' I thought before I started towards the cloud ninja who was still on the ground, focusing chakra in my leg I kicked him in the gut, sending him flying through another building. I chased him though the holes in the wall not letting him hit the ground as I kicked him again, sending him up into the air. "Seriously who hired you?!" I screamed as I jumped to meet him in the air and kicked him, driving his body into the ground. I grabbed the man by his throat, pulling him out of the crater and threw him through another wall. The rouge ninja stood on unsteady feet, lifting his hands up in surrender "You... You were supposed to be an easy target.. where is this power coming from?... I quit.. I'll leave you alone." The fear in his eyes made me pause mid swing. "Really?" The ninja took advantage of my naivety and lunged at me. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder sending him crashing through a window. "Seriously! That was NOT nice!" I started forward fully intending to kick this guy's ass when a laughing Naruto and a smiling Sasuke showed up.
Sasuke POV
I should have felt bad for watching Yuri but I didn't. Nartuo and I made it just in time to hear Yuri screaming about great sex and bad manners. We both looked at each other and started laughing. We sobered when we felt her chakra triple in size. 'Where is it all coming from?' I wondered. Both Nartuo and I knew she had it covered and decided to watch, curious about this power surge. Neither of us could help but laugh at her temper tantrum. 'Man she is cute when she is angry' I thought smirking. "Ooooooo another wall! Hahaha! When did she get so strong?" Nartuo looked like a kid in the candy store.

We both winced as Yuri sent the cloud ninja through the window and I almost died when she yelled at him for not being nice. "This girl it awesome! Hahaha!" I smiled at my friend "Yes she is...I.. I love her Naruto..." Nartuo clapped me on the shoulder. "We will find a way man, Believe it!" I smiled at my friend 'Yuri's chakra is running low' I thought as I nodded to Nartuo and we both jumped into the fight.
"Nartuo do you want the honors?" He started to laugh "I don't know man, it looks like Yuri knocked him out." I looked at Yuri "Aren't you full of surprises." I said brushing a strand of hair from Yuri's face. I leaned in and kissed her forehead "Really great sex huh?" I said trying not to laugh. Yuri blushed and softly hit my arm "Shut up, it took you long enough to get here." I smirked "You had it covered." Her cute glare made my heart do a flip and before she could start yelling I kissed her. "Hey Sasuke bring me some rope will ya?" Nartuo yelled. I gave her lips one last kiss "Go check on Sakura while we deal with what is left." She smiled "Okay." I watched her go until she turned out of sight before I rounded on the rouge ninja. All emotion was gone as I slowly walked toward him, fear washed over the other man as I drew my sword. "Now... Who is your employer?" I said darkly.

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