Chapter 7: Fight

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Time Hop
Yuri POV
"Leave us alone!!" I yelled as I threw an explosive Kunai at the purple haired ninja. Needless to say we didn't make it to the next village and this bitch was really getting on my nevers. I don't know how Sasuke had been knocked out, all I remember is Sasuke pushing me rather hard into the bushes as a giant water tornado came hurling at us from no where.

I was currently standing over Sasuke's unconscious form unable to fight at her pace anymore. My body was killing me, I got hit with a few shuriken making it hard to move and this lady hits like a train 'It's a wonder I am still standing' I thought as I chuckled, picking myself back up off the ground 'Well sort of standing'. I had a small amount of weapons training and was taught enough to get by but I was definitely not at this woman's level. I need to figure something out and fast, I know I can't beat her so I need to trap her, get Sasuke and run... Fast... I blocked another kick and fell down to one knee, breathing heavily "I have to admit you have lasted longer than I thought Princess but I am growing tired if this. What do you say to a swift ending?" I looked down at Sasuke 'Looks like I won't get that date.... Wait a minute that's right I was going to go on a date probably for the first and last time of my life and this lady killed it!' Anger filled me at the thought and I stood glaring at the cloud ninja.

She smirked and came at me. I took another kunai to the arm and saw my opening. When she finally got close enough for the only jutsu I knew, I quickly did my hand signs and released my chakra "Water style: Water prison jutsu!!" "WHAT!!" She shrieked "How is this possible!!" I went to grab Sasuke when I noticed a dart in his leg... 'Humm some kind of paralysis dart' I removed it and started to lift him when he smirked "Good girl Yuri." I almost cried with relief when I heard that voice as he stood up and said "You did great Sweetheart. How long can you hold that?" He tipped his head to the ninja, "Uh... for as long as I need to get to safety.." I said. He smiled at me and activated his sharingan, I couldn't help but feel a little dumb at my response but I was tired.

My legs buckled half because of exhaustion and half because of relief as Sasuke started towards the other ninja who was still locked in her prison "How many more of you are there?" Sasuke asked. She stayed silent which caused Sasuke to smirk "You know I am really good at interrogation.." Sasuke turned his back to me "Yuri... Close your eyes." Something in his voice made the blood in my veins run cold so I did as I was told and closed my eyes. A blood curling scream came from the female ninja making chills run down my spine. Every few screams Sasuke would ask the same question over and over and after each time she would scream that blood curling scream. 'I am losing my sanity.... Why won't she break?' Sasuke pulled me from my thoughts "Yuri release her." I noticed the screams had stopped and it got very quite. I released the jutsu and opened my eyes to see Sasuke laying the purple haired woman gently on the ground. She was covered in cuts, blood pooling on the ground and she struggled heavily to breath. Sasuke leaned forward to hear what she was whispering in his ear.

Then he nodded... I should have looked away but I was frozen in place as Sasuke lifted his hand and slit her throat. I let out a gasp as her blood sprayed everywhere... Then darkness took me..
Time Hop
Sasuke POV
'Two... That's how many are left...' I took Yuri to the hospital. She had burned out her chakra and had four wonds that needed stitches.. the thought of those gashes on her perfect skin... The scars from battle should have never touched her... She should have ran... Why didn't she run? I had been in such a foul mood for the past two days that even the nurses tried to stay way from Yuri's room. Suddenly Yuri sat straight up screaming my name causing me to fall out if my chair.

I scrambled up grabbing her hand "Yuri." She looked at me as if waking up, I could see the panic slowly fading to horror as the memories of the fight came back. She clutched at my shirt as she started to sob "Sasuke!" I sat on the edge of her bed as she crawled into my lap and just held her "Are you... are you alright?" I kissed the top of her head "I'm fine." I felt her body tense up "You... You killed her..." She spoke softly. Her face was buried in my chest and I started to run my fingers through her hair, it wasn't a question but I still answered "Yes...." She got quiet and I wondered what she was thinking. "Did she tell you what you wanted to know?" I nodded "Then why did she have to die?" I sighed she was too kind.. "I couldn't chance her coming after you again... She was a rouge ninja if it wasn't me then it would have been her village to make the final blow..." She pulled back then anger in her eyes.

"You don't know that! She could have been given a second chance like you." She got out of my lap and pushed me away "Could you go.. I just.. I just need to think..." I couldn't help but feel her absence to my core "I can't leave you Yuri.. there are still two out there..." She glared at me and couldn't help but laugh a little before sobering "Was that the first time you saw someone die?" Her eyes became sad as she nodded. I reached out to touch her face but she moved away. "What if I were to try to run away?" I sighed  "Yuri... I." She cut me off "If you are okay with killing someone who could have gotten a second chance then what are your orders for me Sasuke? Would you hurt me?" I suddenly felt angry "Stop Yuri, you are trying to pick a fight. You were trained to be a Shinobi's wife, death is a huge part of that life. I understand the first time seeing it is rough but don't turn what I am on me as if you didn't know what I was capable of. My orders are to escort you to Konoha safe and comfortable, no one is to hurt you, no one. So far I have failed and it will not happen again."

Just then a nurse came in and saw that Yuri was awake "Oh good, I'll go get a few things to change your bandages and then you are free to go my dear. Your have a very caring husband Hun he didn't leave your side once." She nurse smiled and left. Yuri's face was bright red "Husband?" I smiled to myself "It was the only way they would let me stay the night." She chuckled at that and sighted "I'm sorry Sasuke... I... I don't know what came over me..." I nodded she was so pretty.. she started fidgeting with her sheets "Um Sasuke... Can.. Um.. Can we still go out to dinner?" I laughed and came back to her bedside "If you still want to, yes." She looked up and nodded "We will go once your stitches are out." I said as I leaned in to kiss her lips.
Time Hop
Yuri POV
Sleep wasn't coming easy. Everytime I closed my eyes all I saw was the purple haired kunoichi... I saw her death reply over and over again. And suddenly it would change and I was looking up at Sasuke as he slashed my throat with that blank, emotionless look on his handsome face. Sasuke tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me closer to his bigger from spooning me.

He buried his face in my hair, inhaling before he spoke "It's okay Yuri, its over." he said in a sexy sleep heavy voice before kissing my temple. I turned in his arms and wrapped mine around his torso. His eyes were still closed 'He is so handsome..' I thought smiling as I pressed myself closer and kissed his jaw "Mmm.." his arms tightened around me and he ground his hips into me "I like it when you face me... It turns me on." I smiled into the kisses I was placing on his neck. I felt his growing erection rubbing against me as Sasuke's lips found mine in a heated kiss. His hands started to roam my body causing me to moan. That is until his hand reached the stitches on my left hip making me squeak in pain. Sasuke jerked his hand away "Damn it I'm sorry Yuri.." I tried pulling his hands back before he retreated "It's fine Sasuke. I'm fine... Please take me." He groaned and sat up running his heads threw his hair.

"We can't Yuri, you are not healed. As much as I want you I don't want to hurt you further..." I humphed and laid back in the bed. "Honestly these can come out, it's just a little tender is all.." I said pouting. He chuckled "We will go to the hospital later and see about getting them removed.. right now I'm going to take a cold shower." He leaned over the bed and gave me a kiss "You are an evil woman." Kiss "Trying to seduce me while I'm half asleep." He said into another kiss and pulled away "I can't be that evil if I didn't succeed." I said pouting. He just laughed as he went into the bathroom. I must have dozed off at some point because I slowly woke up to the sun pouring in through the window and Sasuke getting dressed. "Going somewhere?" He turned to me and smiled "I was going to get breakfast. Why don't you get dressed so we can see about those stitches." I nodded my agreement as I watched him leave. He turned to look at me before he left and gave me a small smile that made my heart do a little flip 'I love that smile' I thought as I got up.

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