Chapter 11: Company

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Yuri POV
Sasuke and I had gotten a room a couple villages away from Konoha, we have 6 or 7 days left and I have finally just decided to not think about it and to enjoy the time we left. Sasuke growled in his seat across from me as he concentrated on his next move. Out of the 23 games of chess we have played he has yet to win once and I couldn't help but find his annoyance cute. "What are you smiling at?" He snipped and I smiled "I was just thinking that for a ninja tactics isn't really your strong suit." I chuckled as I took one of his towers.

He scoffed "I am great at tactics in real life, my strategies are nearly flawless." He said cockily. I smiled "You do have a great strategy but strategy requires thought where as tactics requires observation and you my dear ninja are to focused on your own moves to worry about mine..." I noticed him glower at me. "If it helps I wasn't very good when I leaned to play either... my father and Kiazo used to play and I remember watching them.. they were always so focused that they never noticed me and after they were done, both would smile as if they had both won." I smiled at the memory "I never knew why until my father started to teach me... In chess it isn't about making the perfect moves it's about using the mistakes that are made to your advantage and learning from them for the next game... "Sasuke jabbed my forehead bringing me out of my thoughts "Your doing it again Yuri." He said with an affectionate smile. I blushed " Uh... sorry... I got away with myself.. Think of it like you are in a battle... Chess is ultimately a game of war.. you have to watch your opponent's moves as much as your own... See the ebb and flow of the game and try to use the tide to your advantage.. " he smiled at me.

"Your cute." My blush deepened. We got quite as we concentrated on the game, both not minding the silence when Sasuke sat up straighter and whispered "Checkmate." He looked up at me in surprise and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at the happiness in his eyes. "Checkmate!" He yelled as he stood up and pulled me to my feet then quickly picked me up and spun me around. I couldn't help but laugh with him. He set me down a placed a couple short kisses on my lips, smiling "How is that for tactics?" He said smirking " Don't go getting a big head now we are still 23 to 1." I said sticking my tongue out. "True but at least I'll always have one. Come on let's go eat." He said taking my hand smiling.

We were walking back to our room hand in hand when Sasuke froze, his hand tightening on mine. I looked at where he was staring to see a man with spiky blonde hair sitting with a pink haired girl on the bench in front of the inn we were staying at. Before they noticed us Sasuke pulled me into the alley. His panicked look was worrying me as he started to pace. "Sasuke what is it? Your making me nervous" I said reaching out to hold him still. He sighed "It's Nartuo and Sakura.... They are here..." I sucked in air as his words stuck me hard. Sasuke framed my face with his hands and kissed me with love and sorrow. I brought my hands up, clutching at his shirt returning his kiss with everything I had.

Tears were threatening to bubble over as he rested his forehead on mine "Yuri they can't no.... They are my friends but... They are good ninja... They are probably here to assist with the last stretch..." His voice shook with emotion and I could see he was holding back tears too. I weakly smiled "So this it..." I nodded and brushed a soft kiss on his lips "Come on I will love to meet your friends... And we can always sneak away once or twice before we get to Konoha." I said with more strength than I actually had. He nodded and smiled "Okay... Let's get this over with." We left the alley, not holding hands and I couldn't help but feel bare. We made it a few steps before the blonde jumped up yelling "SASUKE!! Hey man! You were taking so long I thought you ran away with the princess" he laughed. Sakura hit him on the head "You idiot the princess is right behind him." I couldn't help but giggle at the scene. I bowed "Hello Nartuo- san and Sakura- san, it is a pleasure to meet you, please call me Yuri." I spoke softly. "What are you doing here?" Sasuke said coldly. Naruto was still blushing at my greeting when he responded "Kakashi- sensei had us meet you... Wait a minute how do you know my name!?!?"

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