Chapter 10: Revelations

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Yuri POV
We are getting closer to Konoha... We have maybe two weeks left.. we had been steadily traveling with no mishaps for while now. Walking during the day and getting rooms at night, we steal kisses and embraces any chance we get. Our kisses have become desperate, our touches lingering and when we make love it's like we are saying goodbye... Sometimes there are even tears... We talk like we have known each other forever and play like children... He makes my heart beat so fast but it feels like I am slowly drowning with each step I take towards Konoha... I don't know how I am going to be able to him let go...

"Yuri I want you to keep walking to the next village. Once there I want you to get a room and don't answer the door until I get there." I froze... 'The other ninja' before I finished the thought a kunai narrowly missed my head. Sasuke hurriedly picked me up and jumped back as the kunai exploded sending wood chips flying. I noticed Sasuke had activated his sharingan as he got into a fighting stance in front of me but before I even got a chance to get a good look at my attacker he darted at them with inhuman speed. I stepped back blending in with the shadows of the trees as I watched the fight.

Sasuke was using some kind of taijutsu against the other ninja effectively keeping him off balance. It was another rouge cloud ninja with blonde hair, his right arm looked bigger than the other and was wrapped so none of the skin was showing. The rouge jumped back after taking a blow to the face "Well well looks like the Uchiha's talents don't end with pleasing princess's." Sasuke growled and went to attack again. "Oops did I strike a nerve? I wonder how well you will fair seeing her walk hand in hand with another man.. or when her belly begins to grow with another man's child. Hum Sasuke?" He spoke all the while dodging Sasuke's hits. I didn't like the way this man's voice sounded, it sent chills down my spine. Sasuke still didn't respond to the other man but he clearly wasn't happy with his words. Sasuke did a flurry of hand signs "Fire style: Great fire dragon!" Sasuke yelled. I was amazed at the beautiful. giant dragon speeding towards the rouge ninja.

Sasuke lunged from the flames throwing some shuriken for cover before landing a solid punch causing the other ninja to fall from the tree he was standing on. "poof" a log hit the ground 'A substitution..' I thought as the ninja appeared in the clearing chuckling "I don't need to kill her you know... I just need to make sure she does not procreate with any of you little leaf devils.. so maybe just a cut or two will do then you can have your little princess. What do you say?" Sasuke lunged again this time with more speed. He did more hand signs and where there was only one Sasuke there became 5 'Shadow Clones' I thought. "Well I guess that is a no.." the rouge said as the Sasukes circled him each doing hand signs so fast I couldn't keep up, they breathed in then released a giant ball of fire.

In an attempt to get away from Sasuke's attack the ninja jumped back into the trees where a 6th Sasuke had been waiting. The Sasuke clone drove a kunai through the cloud ninja's torso, forcing a gurgling sound from the man. Sasuke let the ninja fall as blood sprayed everywhere. Before the cloud ninja hit the ground there was another "poof" and a log fell to the floor where the ninja should have been. 'Another substitution.. but where' my thoughts were cut off by the feel of a cold blade pressed to my throat. He forced me forward into the cleaning so Sasuke could see us. "Yuri!! Hurt her and you will have a slow death" Sasuke yelled as he jumped down. The man pressed the blade into my neck so that a small bubble of blood appeared, I winced from the sting and Sasuke went to attack again. "Tsk tsk tsk you wouldn't want me to slip now would you?" Sasuke froze at the ninja's words "That's a good boy... I watched you two for weeks now.. I saw you kiss.. hold hands.. touch.. I also saw that you were not careful in your love making... What do you think will happen should there be a child?" The ninja brought a second kunai to my stomach. "Humm? How would your husband react to your little spawn having the sharingan like Daddy? Humm princess?"

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