Chapter 15: Konoha

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Yuri POV
-----------------------------------------------------------We had been keeping a pretty steady pace the past couple days, walking during the day and then camping at night. Naruto and Sakura have been whispering to each other almost nonstop, at first it was funny but now curiosity was killing me. I came up to Sasuke who was sitting in the shade under a tree "I wonder what they are talking about..." I said out loud. He smirked and held out his arms for me to sit. "They won't be able to hold it much longer, I see that Naruto is about to break." He said chuckling slightly. I snuggled into his chest just enjoying the feel of being in his arms. 'Tomorrow...' My hands unintentionally clutched in his shirt at the thought. Sasuke kissed the top of my head "I know, it'll be ok..." I shighed 'This sucks' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by yelling and opened my eyes to see Sasuke grabbing Naruto by the front of his shirt with Sakura trying to break them up. "What is going on?" I asked as I stood up. Sasuke shoved Naruto back a few steps, releasing his shirt. "Not a word Naruto." Sasuke said in a dark tone. Naruto jumped to his feet and pointed at Sasuke. "THAT'S IT! There is no more time and you are just going to give up!! What's wrong with you?!? It's a good plan Sasuke!" He yelled throwing his arms around. "No it's not Naruto... Use your head." Sasuke said looking down and away from me. "What is it... What is your plan Naruto?" I asked softly trying my best not to get my hopes up. Sasuke's eyes snapped to mine "Yuri.." Sasuke said in a soft tone but Naruto cut him off. "wethinkyouguysshouldjustgetmarriedthenkakshisenseiwouldhavetoletyoubetogethersothealliancewouldworkandeveryonewillbehappy!" He yelled out in one big rush. Sasuke, Sakura and I just looked at the heavily breathing ninja. "Huh?" I asked confused. Sakura patted Naruto's shoulder "I'll take it from here Naruto."

She turned to me and gave me a friendly smile "We think you and Sasuke should get married! That way Kakashi-sensei will have to let you be together" She loudly said as she clapped her hands. "Huh?" For some reason her words didn't click in my head right away, the other woman continued, not noticing my confusion. "There is a cute little chapel just a few hours away, Naruto and I can be your witnesses, and I'm sure we can find a suitable outfit.." When it finally sank in I couldn't help it I just started laughing and not in an "Oh my goodness that's a great idea" kind of way, it was more like I'm going to loose my mind while hyperventilating kind of way and my laughter quickly turned into a panic attack.

"Yuri are you alright?" Sakura asked in a panicked tone. "I told you not to say anything..." Sasuke said as he sat down while pulling me in to sit next to him. I plopped down kind of hard and Sasuke pushed my head between my knees. "Just breath." Sasuke said in a soothing voice as he rubbed my back. 'Well that's new normally I just pass out before I hit this stage... Must be all the stress..' I thought as I regained my composure.

"So let me get this straight.. You guys want me to just run off and marry Sasuke before we get to Konoha in hopes that your Hokage and my parents will take kindly to the sneaky, dishonorable, backhanded attempt at making an alliance that has not been accepted by not only your elders but mine, as well as to marry a man who does not have any influence in your village, No offence Sasuke, "None taken." He chimed in "All because I accidentally fell for my escort..... I am sorry Naruto and Sakura, you both are very sweet and I appreciate your wanting to help but your plan will not work. Even if it was possible for them to be okay with it I refuse to bring dishonor to my father... As much as it breaks my heart... I cannot marry Sasuke...." Sasuke twined his fingers with mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Naruto and Sakura both started crying. Sasuke shook his head "I promise they grow on you." I giggled. "You said that already..." I smiled before my tone grew serious "I'm sorry Sasuke.. I wish.." I whispered, he leaned in and kissed my temple "Don't be sorry.. we both knew the consequences.. I didn't expect it to be this hard but I don't regret it... So never be sorry... Til the end?" I smiled "Til the end." Naruto jumped up "Ok, ok so that was a bad plan... What if Sakura and I go on ahead and talk to Kakashi, if anything at least you two will get to have the last night to yourselves..." Sasuke nodded. "Thank you Naruto." I saw that Sasuke wanted to say more to his friend so I nudged him. He looked down at me and I waved my hand and smiled encouragingly. Sasuke shighed "Thank you for everything Naruto... You... You are a great friend... You too Sakura..." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. Naruto wiped a tear from his eye and nodded "Come on Sakura let's get going! We definitely have to convince Kakashi-sensei if it means a nicer Sasuke." Sasuke just growled and tried to hide his smile. The pink haired kunoichi came and engulfed me with a hug "Thank you Yuri..." Naruto came barreling right behind her and knocked all three of us over in a huge hug. "Naruto you dobe!" Sasuke yelled laughing.
Sasuke POV
'She is beautiful..' I sigh as I watch Yuri make dinner from my spot under the near by tree. We haven't spoken much but the silence is a comfortable one and we haven't moved more than an arms distance away from each other since Naruto and Sakura left. We both keep touching the other and the kisses we share are both heart felt and heart breaking...

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