Chapter 6: Experimenting

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Sasuke POV
Yuri and I stayed up all night last night, laying or sitting in bed, naked, eating our cold dinner just talking about everything and nothing at the same time. We laughed at my first kiss with Naruto... Well I should say she laughed but her laughter was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh with her. We talked about how close she was with her father and made plans for her to teach me how to play chess. We talked about my family's massacre and brother's death. We talked about how her brother was never shy about wishing Yurako was the sister who lived. We talked about our favorite foods, colors, animals, hobbies ect.. Hell we even talked about Sakura and Lee and Naruto and Hinata falling in love and being happy together.

I have never been so open with another person before.. it's kind of unnerving but uplifting at the same time. From the moment I locked eyes with this girl all I've wanted to do was hold her close to me and never let go. My mind was drawn back to that mysterious chakra... We should get moving, the stitches may be removed but the wound is still healing and I don't know how I would fair against a strong opponent. I turned to Yuri, her blue hair was fanned out on her pillow, her pink lips were slightly parted, her bare breasts were rising and falling with her slow breaths. I couldn't help but grin at the purple marks I left behind on her neck and chest and wished the sheets weren't covering the one I left on her inner thigh 'I won't be able to do that the closer we get to Konoha... Or I could just to see her husband's face when he notices... Sigh no I'll have to stop leaving them so Yuri has a chance at a happy marriage..' The thought darkened my mood, so I turned onto my back and looked at the ceiling.

'Maybe this was a bad idea.. just the thought of someone else touching Yuri's porcelain skin made my blood boil... Maybe Kakashi will take pity on me and send me out on a long mission... No I am going to want to make sure the son of a bitch treats Yuri right.. sigh.. it's to late to stop now...' I was yanked out of my thoughts as Yuri's hand slipped under the sheets grabbing my penis. My eyes shot open in surprise but quickly closed again as she tightened her grip and gave it a slow experimental stroke, I groaned. "Sasuke." Her voice cut in through the fog and I looked into her wide blue eyes filled with curiosity. "Will you teach me... Teach me how to please you... With my mouth."

Those words were nearly my undoing, my mouth instantly dried 'Well so much for leaving..' I thought as I attacked her mouth in a hungry kiss. Yuri pushed me onto my back and started kissing along my jaw, slowly making her way down my neck where she nipped at my collar bone. Her hair smelled of lilies which I thought was very fitting given her name. I sucked in my breath as her tongue darted out to fallow the length of a scar, she took her time kissing each one before reaching the one on my hip which she playfully nipped at and giggled softly. She pulled the sheet off the lower half of my body where I was pitching a good sized tent.

A blush blossomed across her cheeks as she took in the sight of me. Her tongue darted out and licked her full pink lips as she reached out and lightly touched me causing my member to jerk and her to gasp. She started to draw away but I grabbed her hand and pulled it back. I groaned as I guided her slim fingers around me, my bigger hand stroking her's up and down my length, tightening her grip in my own. I watched as I saw the curiously in her eyes turn into lust. 'Man this is hot' I thought as her thumb flicked out over my tip, I growled my pleasure and released her hand letting her take over. She was a fast learner, she licked her hand returning it to my member causing me to groan and my hips to jerk into her hand. Her slim fingers were gliding up and down my length, grip tightening, fingers sliding over the tip in a slow rhythm.

I felt her lips touch my tip in a hesitant kiss and I moaned as stars exploded behind my eyes. My moan must have given her courage because she sucked my tip into her warm, wet mouth and I almost lost it. I looked down at her and moved her hair out of the way so I could see myself disappear into that amazing mouth "Ah that's it Yuri..." I groaned as she started to slowly bob her head, sucking as she withdrew, flicking her tongue around my tip, lips tight as she slid me in and out and she wrapped her soft hand around my base to give what her mouth couldn't reach some attention. I was loving very moment, "Yuri" I reluctantly withdrew from her mouth "Yuri I'm close, if you don't want me to go in your mouth you should stop."

The smile this woman gave me was nearly my undoing and I growled as she licked me from base to tip and sucked me back into her warm mouth. I watched as she slid her free hand between her legs and started to play with herself, getting even more turned on by the sight of her. I felt her moan through my entire body and all thoughts were gone. I moaned loudly, my grip on her hair tightened and my hips started moving of their own accord. Yuri took me all the way in, sliding me in and out of her throat a few times before coming up for air and quickly repeating a second time when I lost it. I yelled Yuri's name as I came into her mouth, pumping my hips. Yuri sat up and I watched as she swallowed my seed, licking her lips and smiling a slow, sexy smile "You taste sweet" I sat up smiling back "Are you sure that was your first time doing that?" I chuckled as I drew her in for a kiss "You were amazing Yuri." I said as she climbed into my lap straddling my hips. There was a heated glimmer in her eyes as she spoke "How is your recovery time?" She asked as she rubbed her very wet entrance against me.

I groaned with pleasure as I felt myself already growing heard and smiled into the kiss "You are an evil woman." I said as I flipped us over and swiftly entered her hard causing her to yell out my name.
Time Hop
Yuri POV
We hit the road after we showered and ate breakfast. Something felt different not only between Sasuke and I but with me. My body was sore in places and thoroughly loved but the change was deeper than that... I felt awake... I don't know what came over me this morning but I wanted more than anything to please Sasuke and I am glad I did because I was relishing the power I held over him when I had him in my mouth, the sounds he made, his hands in my hair, the loss of control.

I blushed at the memories 'Will it always be that way... Would it be that way with my husband...' I had a hard time picturing myself doing that to anyone else but Sasuke... as if sensing my discomfort he reached out and twined his fingers with mine, giving it a small squeeze. "What's wrong Yuri-chan? Do you regret what we did?" He asked. I couldn't help but notice the vulnerable look in his eyes. I smiled and kissed his cheek "Not one second of it." He smiled a real smile "You are very handsome when you smile Sasuke-kun." He lightly blushed at my compliment. "Yuri... I.. Get down!!!" Suddenly he pushed me to the ground as a kunai embedded itself in a near by tree.

Sasuke quickly stood back up and turned to his opponent. The person had long purple hair and was wearing a rouge cloud Anbu mask. "So the Uchiha and the Princess huh? Well killing you will be that much more interesting." She spoke in a cold voice that sent shivered down my spine. Sasuke didn't seem fazed "What are you jealous?" He taunted. I looked up blushing at that to see his activated sharingan 'His eyes.. they are red... They are beautiful' I thought. The other ninja chuckled "Yuri I need you to hide." Sasuke said as he got into a fighting stance. I ran into the forest, hiding in some bushes. I had just settled myself when I saw Sasuke and the other ninja clash. They were moving so fast I could barely keep up, the sounds of metal against metal and flesh hitting flesh was all that was heard. Suddenly Sasuke jumped back doing hand signs and out of no where a huge fireball was hurling itself towards the other ninja and when it disappeared the other ninja had disappeared with it.

I waited for what seemed like forever for something to happen before Sasuke jumped down. "You can come out Yuri. They are gone... She was just testing me." I slowly came out looking everywhere before I just ran to him. "I hate this!" I yelled into his shirt. He held me close and ran his fingers through my hair "I know.. me too... Come on we need to get to the next village before night fall." He grabbed my hand and we started at a fast pace. Once convinced we had enough distance Sasuke slowed us down to a walk "Yuri... When we get to the next village would you like to go out to dinner with me?" My heart went from jumping at every noise to fluttering in a manner if seconds. "I thought I was easier if I stayed in the room?" I don't know why I questioned it and was kicking myself hoping he didn't take his offer back. He stopped and chuckled "Honestly I should have taken you out before we.. you know..." He leaned in close resting his forehead on mine "Let me worry about your safety and please go out to dinner with me Yuri." I smiled a slid my arms around his neck as I took a step closer to him "Yes" I breathlessly replied before he kissed me, all thoughts of the rouge ninja momentarily pushed aside.
Sorry this one is kinda short I got pretty busy with Halloween lol. I hoped you like it so far :D let me know what you all think k :D :D

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