Chapter 3: Wounded

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Hey everyone thanks for all the views!! Let me know how I'm doing please! The silence is killing me lol jk seriously though let me know what you think :D
Time Hop
Sasuke POV
It has been a week since that first night and thankfully I haven't had another lapse of judgment... We have been traveling during the day and getting a room at an inn at night, we haven't really spoken aside from basic pleasantries which I was both thankful and resentful for... That is until today "What is your village like Sasuke- san? It's rather sad but I have never been anywhere but home before." The sound of loneliness in her voice spoke to me...

"It is bright and hot during the day, there is still construction going on but that doesn't stop people from going about their day..... I like it best at night though.. everyone goes to bed and you get this peaceful feeling like you are safe, it cools down and the sky opens up to show you the millions of stars it hides during the day..." I sigh, not really knowing why I said all those things. I have never told anyone that before but the smile on her face made it worth it. "Do you have a favorite place to go?" She asked in a soft tone. I nodded "I go to this clearing where I became Genin, it gives the best view..." She blushed "Do you think you would be able to show me?" She asked.

I was stunned... I didn't know what to say... The more I thought about it the more I found that I would love to take her... But I wasn't sure that was a good idea... Before I could answer she spoke again "It's alright to say no.... I wouldn't want to put you in an awkward position with your comrades." I didn't like how vulnerable she looked and before I realized it I cut her off "Yes.... I'll uh... I'll take you... I probably won't like your husband anyway." She laughed, a real laugh that sounded like an angel and I couldn't help but laugh along with her... She stopped laughing enough to ask "Why do you say that?" I sobered at the question "Well I did somethings I'm not proud of..." She smiled "Everyone has a past Sasuke- san." I don't know why but I wanted to tell her everything... Maybe to see if she would still look at me with those eyes full of longing... So I spoke "Not like my past Yuri- san... I left my village during a time of war to seek power for myself, I hunted my own brother to avenge my clan and succeeded... His blood... My blood is on my hands... And when I was faced with a difficult decision I decided with anger and attacked my village causing another war... I fought and almost killed those who loved and believed in me the most..." I couldn't look at her, I regretted saying it almost as soon as I finished... I didn't want to see the fear or disappointment. I was shocked when I felt her sit on my bed and touch my hand, my head snapped to face her.

There was tears in her eyes and she looked at me with sadness "You would not be here with me if you were not forgiven and if you were forgiven then you must be a good person... It takes a strong person to go through what you did. I think it is time you forgave yourself Sasuke- san" she smiled and I couldn't look away... 'This woman is going to kill me...'  I thought as I softly squeezed her hand "Thank you Yuri- chan...." She smiled even bigger and a blush formed on her cheeks "Don't thank me now, I am still going to hold you to taking me to see the stars when we get home" I smiled at her and nodded before she moved back to her bed. I laid there for a while listening to her breathing softly 'Damn you Kakashi....' I thought as I drift off to sleep.
Time Hop
Yuri POV
We were walking in compatible silence today, the air around us seemed to get lighter after Sasuke opened up to me about his past the other night. At first I was shocked by his words but the pain I saw in his eyes was to much to bear, I really just wanted to throw my arms around him and hold him but I settled for holding his hand instead... After that he started to reach out and grab my hand freely more and more each day and I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. I smiled softly lost in thought when Sasuke suddenly stopped causing me to run into his back. He reached back and quickly held me still and told me to be very quiet.

His Princess And Her Ninja (Sasuke Uchiha Love)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें