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"Jimin, you're not serious are you?" Taehyung asked, stopping in his tracks. "I am. I'm gonna speak to your brother in law and expose him for the lying little bastard he is. How dare he do this to you and then try to earn your forgiveness?"

It was evident that Jimin was pissed off and so was Taehyung but he wasn't ready to confront his brother in law and his family. He couldn't do that.

"Jimin, please. I don't want to do this" He said, causing the older to stop in his tracks. He turned to face Taehyung, holding both of his hands in his own. "Tae, don't you want everyone to find out the truth? Everything will be different when they do" His voice was soft and soothing, something Taehyung loved.

"I know but.. I-I'm scared" The younger admitted before staring at the ground.

Jimin let out a small sigh before pulling his friend into a hug, wrapping his arms around him. "I'm here for you, Tae. There's nothing to be afraid of because I'll always be here by your side"

Taehyung slowly brought his arms up to rest around the older's waist as he chewed on his bottom lip. He was extremely nervous. He hadn't spoken about this topic to anyone in his family and wasn't sure how they'd react to any of it. But he was fearing that they wouldn't believe him and that they'd take his side.

"So, what do you say? Are you ready?" Jimin asked as he pulled back from the hug, holding out his hand for Taehyung to take.

The younger stared at it hesitantly before raising his hand slightly to grab hold of Jimin's. "You'll be there for me? At all times?"

Jimin simply smiled at that. "Does that even need to be a question?"

- - - -

Taehyung's breath hitched as they arrived at his sister's driveway, seeing her and her husband stood at the doorstep, sharing a sweet moment together.

He felt sick to the stomach seeing them, knowing that this relationship was based off lies, knowing that his brother in law doesn't love his sister. And it was eating him alive inside.

"You can do this, Tae" He heard Jimin whisper to him, feeling a slight squeeze of the hand.

"That's what I'm afraid of" He whispered back.


"Jimin, look. She's so happy. I'm about to go and ruin that marriage. She's my sister. That's a terrible thing to do"

The older let out a sigh, turning so that he was facing Taehyung.

"Exactly. She's your sister. And you know what would be worse? If you let her stay with a despicable man like him. A man that dated her younger brother, that still tried to go after her younger brother even when he was married and a man that lied to make himself look innocent. You'll be saving her from him if I'm honest"

Taehyung was conflicted. Jimin's words were right yet why did it feel so wrong?

"Tae? What're you doing over there? Come on in"

He froze a little when he heard his sister's voice, turning his head to see her smiling at him.

Jimin then tightened the grip on his hand as the two made their way towards the house.

- - -

A/N: shit gon go down

Mess | pjm•kth Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora