chapter 6

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Madison's POV

  Once we pulled into the school parking lot and parked our bikes. Everyone stopped and stared I think most of them thought I was a boy course when I took of me helmet I hear a few gasp and some "damn" "I would hit that " " holy shit she is hot and look at her curves" ewww gross I mean I know I have curve but come on guys don't need to be so fucking horny .

I put my helmet on my bike and grabbed my bag off the side. and headed towards the doors. Just as i was about to reach the doors i was stopped by this blonde dumb ass and her group of bimbos. They looked like strippers i mean come on girls not every body needs to see that ugh its so gross i mean i want to throw up all over them.

"so your the knew slut. look at her girls she is obviously a whore" Oh no she didn't not just say that to me shit is about to go down. Right then and there i threw a punch and hit her square in the jaw. She stumbled back a bit but then she did something i didn't expect her to do she slapped me and damn it stung like a bitch but i bet her hand hurt more then my face.

 I grabbed her by her jacket or what ever she wanted to call it and slammed her up against the door with one hand and with the other i punched her in the nose till i heard a crack and her nose was bleeding. "listen here slut you touch me again or mess with me  a broken nose wont be all you  will get" with that i spit at her feet and droped her to the ground .

 I didn't notice there was a crowd till i turned around and saw all these faces i took one step forward and they all parted i smirked and kept walking towards the main office. I walked into the office and the lady at desk looked me up and down and had a look of discuss on her face " hey lady stop looking at me like im a piece of trash can i have my knew schedule " "name?" "madison" she handed me my schedule and my locker number along with combination.

Locker 123 ok i think i passed that on the way to the office.I started walking towards the way i think it was and soon found it. The bell rang "shit im late on my first day here.oh what ever "i opened my locker and took out my books and put my back pack in my locker  and started walking towards the class which lucky for me.not. was right around the corner literly. 

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