Ready set... RUN

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Madison's pov;) :

Today the day I plan to run to move with or with out my brother. One more day mads that's all we got here and then we're out, I will meet you at the south border by the end of next month... I nodded trying to keep my emotions in. All my bags were packed and I was ready to go and by all my bags I meant a backpack that carried my ripped black skinny jeans a tooth brush a hair brush and hair Ty's and a white v-neck shirt and my fighting cloths and mask O..ok but what if coles men catch up to me before hand , you know he would send his fastest fighters and runners after me what if I can't wait at the south border for you... then you run and you keep running through the woods i will catch your scent and find you no matter what, your a white wolf your meant to be able to run faster then any other he would only catch up to you himself but he won't because I will be there to get you before he comes near you. I was really running with him this would be the first but then again cole has never been so close to catching me in my life.

  I hugged him one last time and grabbed my back pack throwing it over my shoulder. I love you chase don't ever forget that because if you lose me I want you to know that I love you so much your the best thing i have ever had in my life no matter what happens.... I will never lose you, I love you to.. but go now before cole relizes what's going on. I hugged him one last time and kissed his cheek with a tear  rolling down my cheek. We both new deep down there was a chance I wouldn't make it through this but we did it anyways cause  there was a bigger chance I would survive and not be captured.

And with that I took off through the door  and strait to the woods were I could shift withought being seen by a human.
*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥* ~~well there ya go she's now on the run.
Sorry this chapter was short but you will see Why in the next chapter
~~love this little 🌈❤️🌈

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