White rooms

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Madison's pov :
(Coles is coming up soon;))

   Damn it feels like my head was continuously rammed into a rock like shit i can feel my heart beat in my head , I spread my fingers to feel around with my eyes still closed , all I could feel was some type of super soft material cotton I think. I cracked my eyes open and instantly shut them do to the bright light . I was starting to recall past events and all the way up to where I passed out cold , shit! He's gonna freaking kill me. I started to feel the pain all over my body but mainly it was my head that hurt , i went up to touch my face and suddenly felt pain in my nose . That fucker broke my damn nose! I could taste the blood in my mouth ,I looked down at the rest of my body only to see they put me in one of those ugly hospital gowns that have your ass hanging out . Ew. I tore out the IV that was in my hand and the i tore off the rest of the wires and slowly tried to stand up , only to feel wheezy and fall back on the bed again.  Damn this sucks . I sat there for a few seconds before getting up but this time I was actually able to stay on my feet and not fall . I looked around the room to see a door on the right side which I'm gonna guess is the bathroom, which is great right about now, I walked to the door and opened it to see I was i fact correct ,  I looked around to see that there was a shower  with glass doors with everything including soap a Lufa shower gels . There was a change of cloths on the sink . THANK THE LORD ! ,  At least I have different cloths to put on . It was a a set of matching blood ready lace underwear and bra , and  a black v-neck tight fitting shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants with socks , perfect . I stripped out of my gown and turned on the  shower still in pain because of my nose , good thing it will heal quickly I'll give it a hour maybe 2 at the most till my nose will heal itself .  The shower quickly heated up , I got in a washed myself aswell as shaving . It took me maybe 15 minutes and then I was done and got out . I dried my self and started getting dressed , everything fitted perfectly, how the hell does he know my size ?. Whatever, I gotta get outta here and fast . I checked to see if they were any windows in here and in fact there was . I checked to see if it was unlocked but it was locked dammit . I used the bottle of soap to break the window but right as I broke the window the door bursted open and I looked to see a verry angry .. scratch that major rageing Cole , his eyes were black with anger and the veins on his neck were popping out , « " back away from the window .now. "«   I looked and the window then at him , he took one step forward , warning me not to. "get your ass over here .right now."  As soon as he said that I was out that window so fast .  I looked back to see him already halfway out the window . I took that as my que to start sprinting like my ass was on fire , i looked behind me to see nothing but a feild and in the distance the broken window , what. The. Fuck. Where the hell did he go , I was so caught up in my mind I didn't relize Someone  was in front of me till I ran smack into them and fell flat on my ass . I looked up with wide eyes to see cole standing over me . His eyes were still black and he was obviously still rageing ,
" I'm going to chain you to the fucking bed for days "
I know I haven't been updating and I'm so sorry I've been hella busy with sports and tryouts are going on but I made the 16u fastpitch sélect team so hell yeah !  I will be updating more often ! So yay ! And please give me feedback on anything I could change or make better :) thank you and love you guys💜‼️

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