Tattoos 💰💵💴💶💷

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Madison's pov;) :

I ran to my bathroom and lock my bathroom door . My bathroom consist of white and black marble ikr surprising but anyways I hade a black in white theme in here were my towels were black with a swirly white pattern . I had a tile wall inside my shower and a sleek black tile floor that had lights under it so they kinda glowed .

I heard a bang on my door then followed by many more bangs. Madison sky knight you better answer the fucking door right now or I'm going to break in 3 seconds 1...2... we'll shiz balls  ok ok I'm coming . As I opened the door a sense of deja vu passed over me hello brother what a lovely day it is. I replied while smiling half hearted up at him since he was a foot taller then me show me your arm Madison! I jumped slightly at his harshness in the voice he used on me. Pulling out my right arm that was completely clean because since I'm right handed I cut my left I showed him my right    This is not and I repeat not a game Madison show me both your arms or I will pin you down myself and look at your arms. There was no way in hell I was getting out of this one now ... so long pizza  I will miss you ✌️ I just fell that's all you saw .. then why did you have razor blades in your back pack .. I used them in art class for a clay box project .. so then you have no problem showing me your arms then .. I showed him my left arm which was in a clean new fresh band aid and gauz wrap.. ok fine, how did your fight go I sucked in a sharp breath and started explaining everything I watched as his face went from scared to worry to surprise to proudness. And to a happy face . Is your hip healing yet .. no but it should by the end of tomorrow..  ok goodnight sis oh and btw cover your tattoos a bit more the one going from your bottom spine to you neck was showing which was why people were moving out of your way..ok thanks bro goodnight. To be honest I was afraid to go to sleep I didn't want to wake up cause that meant one more day till my birthday. Which would be the day I turned 16 and found my mate and had my first shift also the day cole was going to try and take  me.
Well there ya go guys vote&comment  anything you want me to add or what you think on the story so far 🌈❤️🌈
~love this little one 🌈🌈

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