Rant: Follow then Unfollow

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Alright, I've gotten to the point where I'm tired of those people who follow and then unfollow in a couple of days.

For those of you who don't know, there's a technique some people use to gain a bunch of followers. It's where they follow a bunch of people and then unfollow them in either a few minutes or up to a few days.

Why am I annoyed about this? Here's the reason:

I am usually really kind and like to check out people's works if they follow me. If something looks good and I'm interested, then I will add it to my book list (and if you haven't looked at my main reading list and it's add on, just look at how many books I want to read lol).

Now, if like to say something about how I follow on Wattpad...

1. I follow authors I like
If I like one book and then get into another book of theirs, then I follow them. Sometimes I see a bunch of interesting stuff by them and just follow so I can get easy access to their books.

2. I follow friends from my actual life
If you've noticed some people I follow have 1-40 readers, there's a pretty big chance I actually am friends with them at school or have met them somewhere in my town. Some are online friends I've made on other websites as well. They follow me as well, and that's because we're friends who want to support each other.

3. I simply made some awesome friends on here
Other people who follow me and I follow them are also friends I have made on here. Sure, some don't have books, but they're still my friends and I'd like to see what stuff they're reading too.

What I hate on here is how some little brats (I'm including adults in this group who have done this to me too) think they will constantly gain followers by following others.

Sure, some people will follow back, but then they get the same result as I have, and that's getting unfollowed.

Here's what I have to say to people who unfollow...


Followers are not everything on this website. Popularity doesn't matter even if it feels nice to be recognized.

Followers are people who support you not people who want follows back. Get that through your thick heads idiots!

I'm not one to get pissed off easily here on Wattpad, but some people just know which strings to pull.

Thank some British kid for doing it too. I added his book to my list because it looked good and I was going to support him, but guess what...

He didn't follow to be supportive of Colliding Elements or any of my other works. He didn't follow because he wanted to possibly make a friend. He didn't follow because he was thinking I may be able to help him in sort writing. He didn't follow for any good reason.

He only followed because he wanted a follow. That's what ticks me off.

Excuse me, mate, but I don't follow people because they simply follow me. I have to see good content on your page or I have to chat with you enough to see you as a friend before I even think about following back.

This also goes for "reading" and voting on people's stories as well. Do not ever expect a follow, read, or vote back from that person. They will decide if they want to return the favor or not.

Be grateful for what happens and when people do support you, in any three of those ways. They're not expected to do it, it's from their kindness.

I, for one, am happy for all the readers and followers I have had. They motivate me and show me that I'm doing well just with their little actions. You should be as well.

Now, what's the lesson we've learned here?

Do things out of generosity. Do not expect things in return.

Okay. Rant over...

Have a nice day.

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