Paid Story Feature

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No, I'm not advertising, but pointing out something I just discovered here on Wattpad.

Have you been like me and haven't signed up for premium?

Don't want to spend money on coins?

Welp, I found out the other day we can earn coins from watching advertisements.

I think that's nifty for those of us who don't have luxury money to spend or for those of you who are considered minors in your country and don't have paychecks.

Could be because I was so inactive for a long time and Wattpad did feature this. But I'm still sharing the info I found.

It does have a limit to 3 coins earned a day, but I still say that's nice if Wattpad to give that option to us.

Just wanted to share that!

Now I can finally read some paid stories I really want to read lol

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