My Sweet Pumpkin- Chapter Three

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This chapter is dedicated to Halloween here, so happy Halloween !!]

The warm light had faded, its always been faded but today it was more faded than usual. Was it because the curtains were covering the windows- or because of Yoosung's cute decorations? Yes today was Halloween the day that spirits came out and you had to wear costumes to 'scare' them off. People say it is the devil's birthday. Saeran believed that too- Rika told him that's what it was. But that's not the truth, Yoosung made sure he knew that! If he was to stay with this homicidal maniac, he may as well make sure he knew the truth of everything. Halloween isn't satanic, Halloween is about many things. Death, murder, monsters, demons, ghosts, pumpkins! Of course it's many more. After the truth was told, it became Saeran's favorite holiday . Which was also good for Yoosung because he can hang up cute decor!
He collage student's humming echoed the room , it was a sweet voice. Like pumpkin pie with whipped cream and/or ice cream. His voice did match some parts of the song. Of course "unknown" heard his voice and hummed with him. Yes, he may not know the song as well as the blonde haired student but it felt nice to hum. It was out of character for him but he liked doing something different.
"Hey, you don't sound too bad kid."
Yoosung turned around to see Saeran leaning against the white wall. In the dark of that area, Saeran's 'mint eye' was seen. Yoosung found his eyes oddly beautiful but sinful too. You could tell the other man had been through some awful experiences. Of course the sweet blonde was curious but out of respect decided he wouldn't ask him about that. But right now what mattered was that Yoosung was blushing from embarrassment-
"O-o-oh! Thank you very much sir!"
"You don't have to call me sir- you know that already . I might be older than you but that doesn't mean you have to say that, okay?"
Yes, Saeran may not be all there but he knows how to treat people... 'well.' Sometimes he'll do some sickening things to people but sometimes he's very kind and his smile is warm like a fresh cake out of the oven. Of course no one has seen this sweet smile before.
"Y-Yes, of course. "
Yoosung slowly started to put candy in a bowl for trick or treaters.
"What are you doing?"
Saeran asked curiously, rubbing Yoosung's head covered in soft, silky dyed blonde hair. This was normal for him to do, he liked to feel how soft his hair was. There was a few spots of blood but when there was, they were taken care of, either by Unknown washing it out or Yoosung just taking a shower.
"I'm putting in candy for Trick-or Treaters! It's also a tradition! So there are kids / teenagers who are dressed up in costumes who go to your door and say 'Trick Or Treat!' And then you give them candy!"
"Why do they say trick or treat and why do you give them candy for free?"
"Well they're asking for a trick of treat! And for treats it's candy!"
"Do they die if you give them a trick?"
"No! Like a magic trick or something."

Saeran tilted his white haired head. His head tilts are cute. He also notices a pumpkin with a hole in it and a holder attached to it.
"What's that? Is that for the candy Yoosungi~?"
"Oh! Yes, they hold candy bags out and that's where candy is put in."
Saeran fixed his jacket and looked at the pumpkin. That reminded him of something he had for Yoosung. And removed the 'gift' from his pocket.
"Hey, Trick or Treat?"
Saeran kneeled down to the sitting Yoosung and smirked at him.
The young man smiled at the thought of yummy treats. Unknown put his hand out and bats came flying out! How is that possible? Well he is a mystery to be solved. But under that was a cute box with monsters on it and an orange bow.
"Open it.. if you dare!"
Saeran's smirk was very white and was cute but also attractive. It was a smile to protect, but it could and would protect it's self so no need for that.
"Uhm okay!"
Yoosung opened his wrapped up hands in front of the Gift so it could fall into his hands. Both of their hands met when the gift was given to its owner.
"Well? Open it."
"Oh! Sorry!"
With a sigh from Saeran , The blonde un did the wrapping- The wrapping was so cute it made Yoosung not want to mess it up. But inside was a cute little piece of cloth. Yoosung carefuly picked it up and let the rest of it drop until it almost hit the hard ground. A silky, beautiful red cape was what it was. How did it get so small? And what's the cape for?
"This is so beautiful! May I ask what it's for?"
Saeran took the cape and tied it around Yoosung's neck, not too tight though. It did touch Yoosung's collar, making it feel weird on him. Then he put the hood of the cape over his head.
"Ta da~."
The white haired man looked at Yoosung with a 'hehe' look on his face.
"Thank you so much! I love it-"
"Good. Because You're Little Red Riding Hood- or Little Red Riding Yoosung."
Yoosung blushed a little before seeing Saeran put on his wolf mask.
"And I will be your big bad wolf !"
Saeran bowed as though he was in a play, he also gave Yoosung a picnic basket with cookies and treats.
"There you go, you're ready to go then?"
That's right, Yoosung didn't have a costume since his money was at his dorm which he hadn't been in since 4 months now.
"Thank you so much- really but why am I LLRH?"
"Because you're cute."
Saeran didn't look at Yoosung when he said that.
"And because you're a lot like her. Caring for a family member then getting distracted by a monster. , which is me!"
"You're not a monster, you may do really hurtful and bad things but I don't consider you a monster. I do awful things too-."
A warm, soft, fragile hand landed on a cold, hard, and strong hand.
"But I'm not a monster , and neither are you ."
Both of them looked at their interlocked hands, Mint eye smiled a little bit but made sure Yoosung didn't see it.  Good thing he was wearing a mask. Warmness. Hasn't been a thing he's felt in a long time. But he liked the feeling. He sort of didn't want to let go of this sweet hand .
"Thank you... Really. "
"It's no-"
"Really... I didn't remember the feeling of love or someone telling me these kind words that have love in them. A reminder between here and there is helpful. I know I'm a total asshole but I do care... no one has treated me like this for 14 years- even longer."
The taller man turned to face the shorter one and grabbed both of his warm, loving hands.
"I'm usually not this sentimental, and this is out of character for me, but thank you."
A smile was on his face under the mask, he was crying a little bit too but made it not obvious , or tried to.
"Don't cry, I'm sure there's one person who will come into your life and make you happy. I don't know who it is yet but I'm sure you'll know. Once you see the sparkle and love in their eyes."
Saeran's grip tightened and his eyes started producing more tears .
Was all he could say. "Little Red Riding Yoosung" still seemed sad at his 'friend's ' reaction. But then this warm feeling crawled over Saeran. When he looked down, A red hood with blonde under it was buried in his chest . A hug?
"Don't cry, it's okay. You can stab, whip, beat, torture me all you want if it'll make you feel better. Really."
"Don't say that. That isn't fair."
Saeran's fist clenched .
"You can't just go saying that . It doesn't matter ? Well you're wrong, yes I do like doing that but you're making me hate doing that , especially doing it to you . It makes me feel like I'm an evil monster."
Yoosung started to laugh, his laugh muffled by Saeran's warm chest.
"Hey! What the hell is so funny?!"
Yoosung lifted his head from the warm chest and held Saeran's hand.
"It's Halloween! It's okay to be a monster- today. Even if you are a monster, it's okay. I know you're not a monster but if you think you are, I'll be a monster with you then! "
Little Red Riding Yoosung and Big Bad Saeran looked at eachother after Saeran fixed his mask.
"I appreciate you a lot , well I'll get candy with you then as a thanks."
Saeran squeezed his hand and ran to the door with his 'sweet pumpkin.'
"Well? You better catch up before the demon catches you!"

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