Im sorry - Chapter Thirteen

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"Hello Yoosung... And everyone."
The mint haired man looked at everyone sorrowfully.
"V.. what are you doing here?"
Jumin asked, being more surprised to see him here.
"Well I've been here- I didn't know Rika brought you here. But I did know that Yoosung was safe with him."
Everyone looked at each other in confusion but Yoosung knew exactly what he was talking about.
"You mean Sae- Sae right?"
He kept his head down, looking at the gun and poison from before.
"Is that what you call him? But yes-"
"You two must be talking about the white haired man right?"
Jaehee asked while both V and Yoosung shook their head to confirm her statement was indeed true.
"Ah I see. But why are we here? And who exactly is he?"
Jumin asked as Seven whispered something in his ear before Jumin nodded and looked back at V.
"I have the same question actually, and why does he treat Yoosungi the nicest?"
Zen also asked before V looked away from them all.
"Your questions will be answered. Just not now- I'm sorry."
V sighed before Yoosung again looked up.
" But you saw Rika and him bring me to those rooms! Why didn't you free them and help us?"
He raised his voice a little at the older one before looking back at all of the RFA members. His voice echoed in the beautifully empty throne room.
"Not to change the topic but it's pretty cold here... I'm freezing."
MC mumbled but everyone heard what she said.
"You're right, I wonder what happened with the heating. But it's no problem god Seven can't fix!"
The red haired hacker smiled as V smiled slightly at him.
"No need for any of that. I can go fix it."
V said and got on one knee before whispering to Yoosung.
"They'll be here soon, just stay with everyone and get of here when you can. I'm helping you guys. I'm sorry."
He stood up and walked out before Zen sighed,
"I don't want my beauty to freeze up , I hope he's quick."
The albino male froze in place from how unbearably cold the room was. Why was it so cold again? It was cold in the rooms and now here, this place was very odd. Odd building, odd rooms, odd people, odd speech. Everything about this situation was weird. Why is Rika alive? They attended her funeral and everything, so why was she here? Why? The young blonde had no idea why everything was the way it was but he suddenly felt warm. Like the same sun he felt when he woke up a few days ago with Saeran still with him. Why was he betrayed? What did he do wrong? All of those thoughts stayed in his head as Seven shook him out of his thoughts,
"Are you alright bro?"
The red head genius asks his friend who nods in return.
"Yeah I'm fine... I just need to think over things I guess."
"Ah I see. I mean wearing this thing." Seven says playing with the collar, "Seems pretty annoying."
Yoosung nodded in response and now is starting to get hot, seeing Jumin is also sweating up a storm.
"Wow he turned it up a bit too hot."
Jumin said while trying to cool down, Zen was starting to sweat and so were MC and Jaehee.
"I don't think V did this."
Seven said again and walked out of the room with everyone.
"We should split up, but how?"
Jaehee said with everyone agreeing,
"I think the ladies should do less dangerous work since you two are wearing dresses/ skirts and heels."
Zen said and moved his hair up so it wouldn't stick to his skin.
"We will watch out then."
MC nodded with Jaehee as the other four were left.
"Don't put me with trust fund kid please."
Zen pointed at Jumin and shook his head.
"Please, I don't want to work with an uncultured swine like you."
Jumin grabbed Seven and pulled him next to the other.
"This is my partner."
"Huh? Wait but-"
Seven was about to comment but decided he didn't mind working with Jumin.
"That's fine, I have Yoosungi then!"
Zen hugged Yoosung a little, as they talked about their plan Saeran watched them from afar. He thought this was right, to let him be with his friends. But he felt it was wrong, in his heart , mind, soul. Just everything felt wrong to him. The white haired male nodded to himself and wrote something for each of them but for Yoosung was the longest of all. After each of them split up, the girls stayed hidden and near where their rooms are, Seven and Jumin stayed in a secret, small room they found and tried figuring out where they were and what was was going on. They also set up security cameras in the whole facility thanks to Yoosung and Zen, who were walking around and seeing what was around and setting up security cameras so Seven and Jumin could look through them. All of them had something to do at a certain time. Of course Saeran knew where each of them were, he wasn't an idiot, he was an idiot in love who wanted to make things right with his loved one. This happened over a series of a few hours of course, the girls being worried about being caught. The double hacker team being caught watching all of the mint eye members. The "mustard mayonnaise" team being caught setting up the cameras and sneaking around. Mint eye already had a security room but there was no way Seven could get there right now. He worked with what he had, it was much easier trying to get in but easier to get caught. So Seven some how found a spare computer, Seven and his luck right? The genius hacker saw a man with a purple suit holding flowers alongside a woman with a black mask and a long black dress.
"What is Rika doing wearing that? And who is that with her?"
Jumin asked Seven, and causing Seven to shrug not knowing the answer.
"I dunno but I know that's my brother."
He said and tried to listen on what they were saying with the sound monitors Zen and Yoosung placed around. Both Jumin and Seven notice two notes slip under the door they were for each one of them.
"Seven , look."
Jumin handed him his note and showed him the one that had "Jumin" written on it.
"They must've noticed us then... the girls said they got one."
Seven said to Jumin then spoke into the Walkie Talkie.
"Code Mayonnaise and Mustard, you two are the only ones left for notes."
He placed his talkie down and followed Zen and Yoosung around on the cameras. The girls saw Rika and Saeran apart from one another and was sure to tell Seven this. After doing so the followed Rika to see what she was up to. Unfortunately they were caught by the members and thrown into their rooms. Soon after Seven and Jumin were given their letters, the mint eye members caught them and they were thrown into their rooms as well. Next were Zen and Yoosung. Zen was looking at himself in the mirror while Yoosung was looking through some stuff.
"I am so handsome, what do you think?"
He asked him as Yoosung pulled out a teddy bear that looked old with one of its button's missing and some parts of him were no longer sewn together.
"You're alright-"
"Oi Yoosungi! That was mean!"
Zen stomped his foot and then realized he should probably shut up.
"I'm kidding, I'm looking at this bear- and it reminds me of my friend Saeran."
He said and realized they were in a room, but someone's room. With a bed, a chandelier, a little tea table, a closet, a window, a chest, and of course a mirror. There seemed to be a picture of someone near the bed.
"Huh? This is-"
He stopped and saw the mint eye members grab Zen away before grabbing him as well. Saeran stopped hiding after they left and hugging the picture Yoosung dropped before being taken.
"Please forgive me sweetie."
He asked no one in particular. Zen was thrown in while Yoosung was lightly placed and was given a note and so was Zen.
"Did everyone get caught?"
Jaehee asked and everyone else answered 'yes' at the same time. Damn they were smart!
"Should we read our notes? Or is it a trap?"
Zen asked as he was already opening his just because he was too curious not to.
"We should find out."
Jumin said and opened his as everyone opened theirs one by one.
"What does yours say MC?"
Zen asked her as she lightly answered,
"It says 'you're lucky he's such a nice person.' I have no idea what it means."
Everyone else agreed it was confusing.
"Mine said something similar. It says 'You are ignorant, you are lucky he is kind.' Who is he?"
Zen scratched his said and Jumin read his.
"Mine says Elizabeth is safe and that this isn't my business."
He says and looks at the picture of the cat that was given to him by whoever gave the notes out to everyone in the RFA.
"Mine says my business is going well and that I should stop snooping around. So mine is like yours."
Jaehee sighs and rubs her head.
"Well whoever wrote these is so rude."
"At least they took care of Elizabeth for me... but their dirty hands were on her."
"No one cares about that fur ball!"
Zen rubbed his nose and sneezed before hearing Seven talk.
"Ya hooo! Mine says that I should leave him alone and never come back? And that I should also go die in a hole... ouch."
He pretended to cry,
"I know who wrote this so hahah!"
The hacker laughed and caused everyone to question him.
"Uh uh uhhh, not until Yoosung reads his."
Saeyoung smirked at Yoosung through the window and winked at him causing Yoosung to get nervous.
"Uh well Mine says "I'm sorry" and they want me to meet them some where. And they gave me flowers and a suit to wear."
The blonde haired boy sighed and blushed a little while going to find a vase to put the flowers in.
He laughed causing the guard to yell,
"Oh shit I made him aaaangry."
Seven laughed and went quiet.
"This is very odd but we should talk about this later."
Jaehee added and Zen agreed with her.
"Yeahh you're right but I'm still so shook with these notes."
"I think we all are, we should just sleep."
Jumin replied and MC agreed with him and so did Yoosung.
"Well good night everyone!"
Yoosung smiled at all of them as they all said good night and everything was dark. Except for the light coming from outside or from the TV Yoosung was watching. The collage student had his pajamas on and looked at the night sky. The constellations all mixed with blues and purples all fading into a calming soothing color. Yoosung remembered looking at the sky when he had to pee and Saeran wouldn't let him out. Still was lots of torture, he looked at the note and read the words,
"I'm sorry."
In his head over and over again. There was more words on the note just telling him they need to talk and blah blah.
"I'll meet you, I'll meet you Saeran."
He said as he put down the note and fell asleep.

(Note/ hello everyone! I'm so so so so sorry I haven't been active! But don't worry! I have lots of ideas and this will be good! So please keep reading and thank you for being wonderful fans! I love you all! Mwah!)

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