Ray - Chapter Fourteen

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"I get it..."
He said to himself as he closed his eyes and imagined the events that had happened through the past few days. This was a crazy adventure that could change his life forever. But it already did. His first memories with Saeran were horrible, his second memories were great. They formed a friendship and now it was somewhat back to their old relationship, but not as awful of course. Yoosung wished he could talk to his friend but knew he was trapped in here. Most likely with no escape. While pondering on this for a moment, he heard a heavy knock on the door.
"Mr. Kim?"
The voice asked in a serious but light tone. Who was this? It sounded like a man but it was unfamiliar to him.
"Who is it?" Yoosung asked as he opened the door to see a believer, keeping his hands folded and handed Yoosung a note.
"Please make sure you are ready. Mr. Ray would want to be ready."
The believer said to Yoosung. Ray? Did they call him Ray here as the man mentioned? And why did he want to meet Yoosung?
"Ray...? Did you mean -"
Before Yoosung could finish his sentence, the believer walked off and left Yoosung to close his door and looks at the suit from before.
"This looks like the one I wore before... just with a chain and cleaner. It does have its differences though."
He talked to himself and made sure no one could see into his room before putting his suit on. It was much comfortable than the other one he wore. Still had this damn collar on.
"Yoosungi! Are you getting ready? Maybe you can get us out!"
ZEN said a bit loudly causing the others to "shh" at him.
"Ah, sorry..."
He said as Jaehee nodded at him through the window letting him know it was okay.
"Yes Zen, it's comfortable." The collage student answered as he uncovered the windows so he could see outside and so Seven could see him too.
"Ooo my boy Yoosung is looking sharp! Even your hair looks funny."
"Eh? It does?!"
Yoosung looked in the mirror and played with his blonde hair.
"Nah, you look great! What a lucky guy he is!"
Seven smiled, knowing the guy was Saeran but wanting to not let anyone know about it... other than Jumin, Yoosung, and V of course.
"Lucky? Pffft yeah sure."
Yoosung replied as he heard a knock at his door.
"Mr. Yoosung?"
A woman's voice asked as Yoosung got a little nervous and opened the door.
"Ah Yoosu- er Mr.Yoosung. Do you know where the garden is?"
The female believer asked him and Yoosung tilted his head like a dog.
"Ah I'm sorry... I have no clue."
He looked away being a little embarrassed because he had no idea where it was. He thought maybe she was looking for directions.
"I shall take you there then. That's where Mr. Ray wants to meet you." The female believer said and motioned Yoosung to stand next to her.
"Ah... alright."
The collage student replied. When he was walking out of the Area, he waved goodbye to his friends for a temporary time. He'd be back... hopefully. He was for sure nervous but knew "Ray" was still his friend in the end. When he walked with the female believer, he felt like a celebrity walking through all of them. Sure he was shorter than a lot of them but they made sure to stay out of his way. Yoosung didn't mind it but found it odd at first. As soon as they reached the garden the female believer left without a word, Yoosung couldn't even thank her like he wanted to.
"Well... I'll have to find him myself through here."
He said to himself as he adjusted the tie he was wearing and walked through the garden, a few times stopping to smell the flowers. These were beautiful like the ones in his room.
"Keep going!"
He thought to himself and eventually saw Saeran in a purple suit humming to himself while looking at blue flowers. Why was he wearing a suit? And he liked flowers? Since when?
"Where is he? Did they not get him? Maybe I should have gotten him myself..."
The Mint eyed man stood up before turning around. For some reason Yoosung hid. It was an instinct thing for him to do. He wasn't scared... was he? Saeran walked away and Yoosung got up to look at the flowers that the other was just admiring. It looked like he cut them off. Maybe another bouquet? But for whom?
The lavender eyed male heard behind him causing him to jump and turn around, standing straight up now.
He said in a somewhat worried voice before Saeran smiled sweetly at him.
"I was worried you wouldn't come or that you didn't like me anymore."
The older male looked away from Yoosung. Why was he being so cute? This wasn't normal at all.
"I-I don't hate you... I'm confused Sae-Sae."
The blonde looked at Ray, every time Yoosung called him Saeran- it bothered Ray but he decided to let him say it. He didn't know why but the nickname wasn't exactly Saeran so he'd let that slide.
"I know... and I'm sorry Yoosung."
Ray lightly grabbed Yoosung's hand and looked into his eyes.
"I had to, but I didn't want to. My heart said don't but my mind said yes." His eyes teared up and his voice trembled.
"The elixir... it made me do this."
The elixir? What was he talking about? Yoosung felt bad for him. Seeing him like this but didn't know what to say or do. So he just listened to him.
"I-I've said too much... I'm sorr-"
He was stopped by Yoosung hugging him. Ray didn't know how to feel about this but it made his heart race and his mind feel somewhat at ease. He was at a loss for words until he heard Yoosung speak.
"Saeran..." The younger one spoke as he held the other one tightly in his arms.
"I'm not mad at all, actually it's still much better than before. I realized that you were still treating me like a prince while I was in there. Sure I'm technically imprisoned but I'm not mad. Not at all. I hope you make your own choices and follow your heart." Yoosung said not really knowing what his situation was. He'd learn everything. But for now all he could do was help Saeran feel better.
The other male spoke, looking down at Yoosung before rubbing his head.
"Thank you.. but aren't you hungry my prince?" Ray asked, somewhat catching Yoosung off guard.
"Hungry? Well yes a little... I haven't eaten in a while."
He replied, letting go of the other one. Just to look at him. He wasn't upset anymore but more serious this time.
"I shall give you a big dinner. Come with me." Ray held out his hand for Yoosung to take, which Yoosung did and followed him.
"Also... I'm being a good boy so call me Ray for now."  The mint eyed male said to Yoosung.
"Ray? I didn't know why you were called that... is that like a reward?"
"No. This is my weaker personality I guess..."
Before Yoosung could ask what he meant, he sat Yoosung down in a chair before sitting in front of him. He didn't even realize the both of them were already here, it was beautiful in here as well.
"Make sure you get what you want okay?" Ray asked of Yoosung as Yoosung nooded. Not really knowing what to say.
"Also I got these for you."
The light eyed male handed Yoosung a bouquet of flowers along with packs of Honey Butter chips.
"Saera- er Ray. Thank you. How did you get these chips? And these flowers are beautiful..."
The male said examining both objects. But he remembered Ray was picking flowers for someone. Were those for him? Most likely.
"I have my sources... besides I know you're not a girl so I figured you also like chips. Besides I know everything about you...was that creepy?" He asked self consciously as Yoosung shook his head no.
"Not at all, you're the best Ray!" Yoosung smiled at the other as his purple eyes lit up in happiness, causing Saeran to blush a bit.
"The best? Well I wouldn't say that..... but thank you for saying that. I'm glad you like everything. I have more prepared for you but I'm so busy... not as busy as before but still busy." Ray felt himself being all shy at the moment.
"Hah, you're so hardworking. I don't know how you do it.." Yoosung said to cheer Saeran up a little.
"Well I only have to be, besides I am procrastinating by being with you." He said and grabbed Yoosung's hand that was on the table. "But I don't regret it. I'm happy I'm with you. I'm just scared he'll hurt you- Ah sorry! Ignore what I just said please."
Ray looked away from Yoosung before letting go of his hand.
"Ray... is there something you're not telling me? You can talk to me you know?" The collage student spoke up and gave a soft look to the hacker in front of him.
"I want to tell you but I can't, I'm good boy Ray."
He replied, making Yoosung more confused, this whole thing was confusing. Before he could ask, the believers handed them food.
"You guys can leave now." Ray waved his hand and said in a serious tone as the believers left.
"Eat whatever you want, it's for you." Ray said in a kind light tone.
"What about you? What about everyone else?" He asked as he started eating a jelly cream cheese sandwich.
"I'll be fine, as for your friends I gave them food already." He said as he ate an apple , not wanting Yoosung to know he didn't eat much.
"Are you sure? And what did you give the-"
Yoosung was about to ask what his friends had gotten until Ray leaned across the table and put his forefinger on Yoosung's lips.
"You care too much about others Yoosung. I'm a little jealous." Ray somewhat smirked at him before realizing what he said. "I-I mean uhm you should take care of yourself too."
He sat back down and ate another bite of the apple.
"Are you feeling okay Ray? You've been saying odd things and acting kinda weird. Unless you're hiding something." Yoosung said and gave him a worried glance.
"I'm fine... it's just that I need to take a nap I think."
He replied to the worried student and rubbed his own head. "But you shouldn't care too much about me. I'm a lost cause."
Ray sighed to himself and looked away.
"I think you're really cool Sae- Ray. I mean you did all of this, you're the coolest person I know." Yoosung said as he now ate some cheesecake. He's gonna save those chips for later. He used to say this about Seven all the time. Of course he still feels that way about him but he realized we was getting to know Ray and knew he was better than Seven at hacking.
"Huh? You think so Yoo-Yoo?"
Ray asked, sneaking in the nickname. Just like "Sae-Sae." Maybe Yoosung didn't mean the compliment at all, this was even too much that now Ray was giving nicknames.
"Y-Yes I do! I mean it, you're the coolest ever." Yoosung was a little taken back by the cute nickname but secretly liked it. He did mean what he said though.
"No one has ever said that to me before... thank you."
Ray smiled until he noticed the collar.
"Did...I put that on you?" He asked, not remembering what he did. Yoosung looked down and noticed he still had a collar on. This stupid thing.
"Yes... you made sure I didn't escape while I was over at some secret place. I don't remember it though."
Yoosung said with sadness in his voice, looking at the name on it "Hatchi." Yes that nickname, some memories never fade away.
"Oh my god... I'm sorry Yoosung!"
Ray got up and unlocked the collar and took it off of Yoosung, after doing so- Yoosung shook his head- loving the feeling of now having a loose collar on him.
"Stupid Saeran... I hate him. I don't want you to suffer anymore." Ray shook his head and threw the collar on the ground.
"What do you mean Stupid Saeran? Aren't you Saeran?" Yoosung asked. Yup probably not a good idea but for some reason Ray reacted nicely.
"No... I'm not at all like him. He's really mean and cruel. He hurt you for a while. I know that, you deserve better than that treatment. So I'll make sure he never comes out again! I promise!" Ray smiled at Yoosung and helped Yoosung stand up. "Don't you feel better without that dumb collar on? You're not a dog."
Yoosung was confused by all of these things Ray was saying. Was he dreaming? Maybe Saeran and Ray are twins? No... can't be.
"Uhm- yes it feels a lot better , thank you Ray."
Yoosung gave a half smile and looked at Ray with a worried but caring look.
"No need to thank me- oh no I have to go. I'll actually be moving your room, but for now I'll bring you to your room."
The mint eyed man smiled at Yoosung and walked with him down. Before they opened the room with all of the other doors- Ray stopped him.
"Uhm... Yoosung. You know if you need anything- you can message me through the app."
He said and pointed to Yoosung's cell phone. Oh right, Saeran let him keep his phone for whatever reason.
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to let you know. Thank you Ray- Ray." New nickname, how nice. It even made Ray blush hearing it. Before leaving , he got down on one knee and kissed Yoosung's hand.
"You know... i'd do anything for you Yoo-Yoo. You're the only one who understands me." He looked up at the blonde and put Yoosung's hand on his cheek and felt his warmth.
"It's weird saying this but it's true. I can't express my feelings to you at the moment but I promise I only feel good things about you. I l-."
He was about to say it but decided not to. "Well for now, I'll be gone. Be sure to take care of yourself my dear Yoosung."
Ray walked away after getting up, trying not to blush at Yoosung. On the other hand the blonde was blushing like crazy. Did he really say that to him? He didn't know how to feel. So after he got back to his room, he put the flowers in another vase and thought about Saeran for the rest of the night.
"I hope you're doing well... Ray."

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