A prince - Chapter Fifteen

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Yoosung was currently playing on his phone, just looking at what people were saying. All of them seemed worried for him and his friends as well, of course his replies were blocked off leaving him no contact with the outside world. Luckily he was able to look at stuff like his videogame posts and funny videos on YouTube. He was laughing while watching it before noticing something odd. Pausing his video, he looked outside his window to see Ray telling workers what to do. Too bad he couldn't hear them , but judging by what he saw- it looked like they were building something... what was it though? Being curious, Yoosung knocked on the window connecting him and Seven.
"Seeeeven! Do you know what they're doing out there?"
He asked as The hacker looked confused at the other male, "Cant say I do, I don't even have a window but they were talking about it. Didn't hear anything important though."
He sighed and started drawing a cat on the door for whatever reason. "Oh yeah! I heard them talking about it too- it's for a 'prince' supposedly."
MC replied and everyone looked at her through their windows.
"A prince? Which one? I'll probably know of him." Jumin asked.
"I don't have any clue, all I know is that he's really important. I think they said he has brown hair?" MC said being curious and unsure of her answer. This reminded Yoosung of when Ray called him a prince and that he was being moved to a better room. Was this for him? No way.
"That's quite odd.... well he's not as handsome as me-"
"Shut up, I hear them coming." Seven replied lifting up his hand.
"Why you-" before Zen could answer, the door to enter the hallway of their rooms slammed open. There was a tall man with black hair and purple eyes. He looked at a piece of paper and said a few things.
"You all are here for a reason, a reason that is important and not your fault.... actually it is So all of you, out!"
He yelled randomly, that speech was really bad and full of things Yoosung didn't understand. Would that even be considered a speech? All of the members walked out of their rooms, now their rooms being unlocked on the outside.
"Freedom..." Zen sighed and rubbed his head.
"I wouldn't say that's the case Zen." Jaehee had no idea what was going on, she just wanted to go back to work and have her life on track again.
"She's right, now move it!"
He yelled at them and made them all walk forward. Most of them assumed it was Rika or V who wanted to see them. The reason why is unknown. As they started walking out, they walked in silence. There steps hitting the cold ground. Click clack click clack was the only noise heard. Of course it wouldn't take long for someone to say something.
"So where are we going?" MC asked and suddenly the intimidating man and the two men behind him stopped in their tracks.  His purple eyes met with MC's brown eyes.
"None of your business, ask again and they'll shoot."
He pointed to the two guards before he turned around and walked again, fear becoming a common feeling of all. Especially Yoosung. Was Ray telling this man to do this? No way... right? As they get to the "room of mint eye" they become locked in, all of them looked around not knowing what to do except Yoosung felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Come with me." The voice lightly whispered and snuck him out of the room. All Yoosung could see was a black cloak, as soon as he was snuck out, the tall figure took off the hood.
"Ray?" Yoosung asked, still being in his arms.
"Hah I was worried I wasn't going to make it on time. I'm sorry if he scared you."
He pulled Yoosung into a soft hug, a warm luxurious hug coming from a cold man.... or so he seemed.
"It's alright, I was just worried you were the one who sent him."
"Me? No. You know I'd get you myself or whoever I send would tell you it was me. Promise." He rested his head on top of the other one's.
"I thought so, though I'm scared."
"Scared? Of what?" Ray lightly brushed Yoosung's cheek.
"Well... it's just... I don't know what's going on and I'm scared that anyone will get hurt is all." Yoosung looked away. "Even Rika is suspicious to me."
After mentioning that, Ray looked confused but also knew what he meant to say.
"Prince." The white haired male spoke to him and looked into his eyes. "I swear on my life I'll protect you, okay?"
".... okay." Yoosung hesitated but knew that if Saeran wanted to kill him, he already would have.
"Let me show you everything, normally I'd have to blindfold you but since you're special I can show you everything. Besides you've seen it all before."
His glove meeting the blonde's bare hand, he showed Yoosung the kitchen, the bathrooms, and most importantly...
"Here's your room."
Saeran opened it up, the room filled with glamorous objects, flowers, videogames, etc. Sure the room was kinda girly but Yoosung isn't too manly himself.
"Woah... Sae- Ray. That is so beautiful, thank you." Yoosung softly smiled at the mint eyed friend of his.
"Uhm... no problem, I made sure they put your belongings in here. Just so you're not so lonely, because I... Never mind."
Ray was slightly blushing and looked down so Yoosung couldn't see that he was a blushing mess.
"Ray." Yoosung tried to look from under him but Ray was too fast for him. "Aww man. You're quick."
Yoosung pouted a little until Ray rubbed his head.
"You'll catch up soon, don't worry." He stopped petting him and looked at the time. Why don't I get you something to eat?" He offered to Yoosung's dismay. There he goes off again.
"Ray. What about you?" The lavender eyed young man quizzed him- wanting to make sure he ate.
"I'm fine, I'm not hungry yet." Ray closed the door again, leaving Yoosung in there, while Ray was gone. Yoosung looked around at everything, the view into the garden.
"Hmmm..." he pondered to himself. He felt as though he was being watched. He closed the evening curtains, still feeling watched. He grabbed a broom someone left in there- he opened the closet and saw no one. Under the bed? No one there either. Maybe it was just him.
"Geez, I'm so riled up." Yoosung sighed and flopped down on his bed. Man, this was super comfortable, it felt as though he were to be sleeping on pillows.... other than the actual ones.
"Yoosung, may I come in?" Ray asked after he knocked.
"Yeah!" He yelled back, making sure he could hear him. When Saeran opened the door, Yoosung was waiting at the table they had in the room. Saeran brought in things Yoosung liked again.
"Ray." Yoosung said while Ray was closing the door after placing the food on the marble table.
"Hm? What's the matter?"
He asked while making a seat next to Yoosung.
"Please eat something. I haven't seen you eat in weeks. You're worrying me a lot. I care about you." The blonde put his hand on Ray's purple suit shoulder. "I know you might eat somewhere else but I've never seen you eat anything other than an apple in front of me. If you're self conscious about eating, I've done more embarrassing stuff in front of you!" Yoosung exclaimed and got close to him, "all I'm asking is that you eat something and relax, okay? You're my friend Ray... and I love you." Yoosung wanted to say "no homo" but didn't care since it was just those two.
"Yoosung...." Ray spoke with surprise but also uncertainty at the situation he was presented with. "Just because I love you, I'll eat this." He took a piece of Pizza and ate it. Even surprising himself with the fact that he ate it. He had not eaten because he was too busy, he was still quite busy but now he made time for Yoosung.
"Thank you Ray." The blonde smiled happily and started eating grilled cheese.
"No need to thank me, I just did what....friends do." Ray sleezed a little at 'friend' he's never had a friend before, he loved this friend and wanted to treasure him forever.
"Yeah you're right." Yoosung spoke as he drank some soda.
"This will work better than the caffeine pills I take." Ray thought out loud while grabbing some soda too.
"Eh? Why do you take caffeine pills Ray?" The younger male questioned him while making a 'grilled pizza' combination.
"To keep me up when I work." The Mint eyed man answered bluntly.
"But you need to sleep too, I haven't seen you sleep in forever too." Now getting worried over his sleeping patterns.
"I'm fine Yoosung. I take naps every now and then, don't make me sleep." He knew what Yoosung was wanting him to do.
"At least eight hours!"
"No. You don't sleep either so you?"
"....well not really but that's my fault! Whoever your boss is needs to let you sleep!" Yoosung yelled a little too loud before Ray hushed him.
"You shouldn't say things like that my prince." Ray drank some soda, his eyes gazing out here and there.
"It's true. Is Rika your boss?" Yoosung asked. As if it wasn't clear before.
"Yes but she just makes sure I'm working."
"Ex. ac. tly! You need sleep Ray! Maybe I can talk to her?" Yoosung asked before Ray heard his watch go off.
"I have to leave you unfortunately." Ray sighed and stood up. "Be careful, I'll miss you while I'm working." He patted Yoosung's head and walked out.
"Grrr." Yoosung growled a little to himself, this mysterious stuff was annoying him to death. He just wanted to leave with everyone and get to the bottom of everything.
"Yoosung." A woman knocked on his door, the voice sounding familiar.
"....come in." He said simply.
The door opened, a woman with a long black dress and her upper half of the face was covered with a mask.
"My dear Yoosung... you want to talk? Why don't we talk?" She closed the door behind her and rubbed his cheek while he was sitting down.
"Rika?" He looked at her, his cousin. She was acting all weird and mysterious, he wanted to know what was going on.
"Obviously, you can't believe it can you? Even after weeks of being here." Rika handed him newspaper clippings.
"Go on, know the dark secrets your friends hide from you, my little cousin."

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