Chapter Two: Gabriel

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A/N: Picture is Luna

Happy Halloween!

Glancing over at the clock, I sighed when I saw there was only ten minutes left in lunch. I hadn't been paying attention to anything that Cleo had been saying, which was probably why she was looking at me strangely. "Are you okay?" She suddenly asked, making me look into her worried brown eyes.

Many things had been wandering through my head recently, mostly revolving around my mother and Pete. Michael seemed to be in almost every one of her conversations now; they seemed to be quite smitten with each other. I still wasn't sure how I felt about that, but at the same time I felt bad for even thinking that. Pete had also been on my mind recently, mostly because he hasn't been here. Reno had been the dominant personality recently, making me feel pretty lonely.

Realizing Cleo was still staring at me, I cleared my throat before moving my hair out of my eyes. "I don't know," I said while staring down at the table. "I shouldn't be feeling so sad about my mom actually liking someone. I also shouldn't be sad that Reno has been hanging around more recently than Pete." Seeing Cleo's eyes look very sad, I started talking before she could say anything. I didn't want her to be sad for me, because I shouldn't be sad in the first place. "Also, I don't think I'm going to come to your Halloween party tonight," I said as the lunch bell rang.

"Are you sure?" She asked while standing up.

"Yeah, I'll just order some pizza or something. Maybe I'll even watch a movie, just have a relaxing weekend." She still didn't look convinced, as I continued to wave her off. "Don't worry about me. Have fun at your party."

Before she could say anything else, I gave her a small smile and then walked out of the lunchroom. The last part of the day went by very slowly, probably because I wanted it to end. When the final bell rang, I found Cleo and drove her home before making my own way home. My mom was not home yet, probably still at work. I could hear music from somewhere in the house, making me instantly think to Reno.

The first few nights that Pete was here he hadn't tried to leave. When Reno came along, he had tried to leave a few times. Now he doesn't try to leave at all, I think he knows I would just find him. Following the music towards the guest bedroom, I looked inside to see a shirtless Reno on the floor doing pushups. He glanced up for a second, his hair falling into his dark eyes. He gave me a dark look before looking away, making me frown.

With a heavy sigh I wandered into the living room before lowering my body down onto the couch. I was swept into a terrible nightmare, one where someone was chasing me through a forest. When I woke up, sweat completely covered my forehead. My long hair was also a sweaty mess, making me frown. These nightmares had filled my mind for weeks now; they seemed to just come out of nowhere. And they definitely weren't appreciated.

Wiping my face off, I walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was done I wandered back into the living room to turn on a scary movie. What's Halloween without a scary movie? To accompany my movie I grabbed many snacks, munching on chips when I suddenly saw Reno watching me. He was standing by the doorway, his arms across his chest. My eyes wandered over his body, still feeling awful. I couldn't look away from his chest, or that v that was sticking out from his sweats.

When my eyes looked back up I realized he was staring very intensely at me, making me gasp. When I gasped, a piece of the chip I was eating flew into the back of my throat. My eyes instantly watered when I felt the chip get stuck in my throat. My hands flew up to my throat as I threw the chip bag onto the counter.

My Guardian Angel (boyxboy) *Completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang