Epilogue: Gabriel/ Pete

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A/N: Thank you for reading! I've seriously enjoyed writing this story more than I thought I would. The last book in the series will be called Jet Black Heart and will be about Noah and Wes, how they found each other and all that good stuff. It won't be out for a few days, so keep an eye out for it! :)


~Five years later~

"Yeah Cleo! You go girl!" I couldn't help but laugh at Perry, who was hooping and hollering next to me. I glanced over at my best friend, who was currently receiving her college diploma. She gave our row a big smile, before she raised her diploma into the air.

"Get it girl!" I yelled, laughing when Perry gave me a high five.

When the next person started walking across the stage, I glanced down the row I was sitting in. Perry was sitting to my left, who was currently leaning his head onto Aaron's shoulder. Cameron was sitting next to Aaron, laughing with Hugo on the other side of him. Sebastian was sitting next to Hugo, and Wes and Noah were next to him. Turning to my right, I smiled while seeing Reno and my Mom talking to each other. I seriously loved this little family we had, and we had only gotten closer over the years.

I had moved in with Reno and Pete after my high school graduation. We lived in a very small apartment that was still close to our family. Both Reno and Pete continued to work with my Mom, who absolutely loved working with them. After college, I started working at a small bookstore before buying the store. Now, I got to go to work everyday and absolutely loved what I did. One of the main reasons I decided to buy the store when it was for sale was because of Pete and Reno.

Years ago, when Pete was locked away in a room, I bought him a Dracula book. Seeing him so happy made me want to make other people just as happy. Reno was also a big part of the decision; he always pushed me to go after my dreams. I was so grateful to have such loving people in my life.

Looking to my left once again, I smiled while seeing everyone I cared about. Perry was still mentoring teenagers who were dealing with drug problems, and Aaron was now an editor for the local paper. Cameron was working on his romance novel, working at Barnes and Noble in his spare time. Hugo was about to finish his schooling, meaning he'll soon be able to become a physical therapist. Cameron and Hugo had also got married last year, a beautiful summer wedding. They were also in the process of adopting a baby.

Sebastian was on his way to becoming a Genetic Counselor, while Cleo was going to become an art teacher for our old high school. They were closer than ever, maybe while Sebastian bought an engagement ring yesterday.

"You okay?"

Looking up, I looked into the concerned eyes of Reno. "Never better," I said while giving him a reassuring smile.

He gently kissed me on the head before wrapping his arm around my body. Resting my head onto his shoulder, I happily sighed while moving my hair out of my eyes.

When the ceremony was finally over, we wandered down to the students before finding Cleo. She instantly wrapped her arms around Sebastian, who lifted her into the air. She went on to hug her parents and the rest of our little family. We then all went out to dinner, squishing together into a big booth.

"Ooo hello bread," Perry suddenly said while our waiter put down the bread basket. I laughed while seeing him shoving a piece of bread into his mouth.

"And you wonder why Shawn takes the bread away from you," Aaron said as he smiled at his boyfriend.

Speaking of Perry's brother, he ended up getting married to his girlfriend. They were still in Shawn's house, which was a lot bigger since they were now parents to twin girls. Seeing Perry with a baby was definitely the cutest sight ever.

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