Chapter Six: Lorenzo/ Gabriel

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My eyes opened when I felt something poking my shoulder, which was pretty damn annoying. When I opened my eyes I saw a nurse looking down at me, a frown on her young face. "What do you want?" I angrily asked while glancing down at Gabriel, who was still sleeping.

"I don't think you should be staying in his bed. Aren't you concerned about messing up his shoulder?"

Rolling my eyes, I used the hand that wasn't wrapped around Gabriel to run it through my long hair. "I'm not an idiot. Obviously I'm not going to put his bad shoulder in danger. How did you even become a nurse when you're so fucking stupid?"

Her cheeks turned pink with a blush as she looked down at the chart in her hands. "There's no reason to be so mean."

"There's no reason to be so stupid. Now are you going to do anything to him, or just stare at us?"

The nurse quickly walked away, making me roll my eyes once again. Just then did I realize... I'm still here. Pete didn't take over for once. I guess there's a first time for everything. Looking down at Gabriel, I sighed before hearing the door open. Turning to my left, I expected to see the stupid nurse but instead saw a random guy.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Onyx, Gabriel's friend."

My blood almost started boiling as I stared at this scrawny guy, the one I was sure had a crush on Gabriel. Why did I care so much? Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself down but wasn't succeeding. Slowly getting off of the bed, I ran my hands through my hair while looking out the window. "I think it's best if you just leave."

"I came here to see Gabriel."

"I said LEAVE!" I yelled while turning towards him and throwing a chart at him. Onyx jumped back before running out of the room.

None of this was fair. It wasn't fair that Gabriel had to know someone like me, when he would probably be better with just Pete. Pete was the one who was born into this fucked up world, I wasn't even born. How is any of this fair? Why am I even here? The universe obviously wanted Pete instead of me; I wasn't even my own person. I had to share a body. Share a body, how is that fair? Pete can just call on me anytime he wants, being a coward and ducking out of every hard challenge he faces in his life. He gets to basically do whatever he wants; he gets to be in control.

I want to be in control. I want to know what's it's like to be my own person, in my own body. But that'll never happen. I'll always be a separate mind trapped in someone else's body. I'll never be in control.

Punching the wall, I put my hands into my hair while starting to pace around the hospital room. My eyes wandered back over to Gabriel, someone who was able to be in control of his own life. Hell, everyone in this goddamn hospital didn't have to share their life with someone else. They didn't know what it's like to go to sleep and wake up a week later, with no memories of anything. Because I don't have memories, don't deserve them. What's the point? Pete will always come before me; he'll always have a body to return to.

What if Pete gets stronger and he won't need me? I'll just be a distant memory, a memory that won't have a body to go back to. Holding back a scream, I punched the wall again before frantically looking around the room. Remembering the keys in my pocket, I took them into the bathroom before using them to start chopping my hair off. This must be what it's like to be in control.

I didn't stop until my long hair was all choppy and disgusting looking. Perfect, just the way I feel inside. My once long hair was now short, probably how my life will be. Pete won't need me forever, and I'll be gone. Just like my hair.

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